Team:KU Leuven/Attributions


Wet lab

Here we list everyone who helped us and is not already listed on the team page.

Prof. Hideaki Misuno

Prof. Misuno shared his knowledge on fluorescent protiens and visualization with us. Thanks a lot!

Vincent Gielen

Vincent Gielen, Sam Duwé of the Prof. Hofkins group generously provided us with flourescene used to generate a standard curve for the interlab measurements.

Dry Lab

Prof. Dirk Roose

Prof Roose is professor at computer science and gave us coding and math advice.

Tim Odenthal

Hideaki Mizuno


We thank the Flemish supercomputing centre (VSC) for giving us access to their computing power.

ICTS KU Leuven

The team from the ICTS schooled us on how to use the supercomputing servers.

Marc De Maeyer

Jan Michiels


Address: Celestijnenlaan 200G room 00.08 - 3001 Heverlee
Telephone: +32(0)16 32 73 19