Team:HokkaidoU Japan/Collaborations


About Us


Exchange Meeting with LZU-China

On July 16, 2015, we had exchange meeting with iGEM Team from Lanzhou University, LZU-China, at Hokkaido University. We each had a presentation on what project we were going to work on through the summer.

After that, we held a "nomikai", Japanese casual style party.

Synthetic Biology Regulation and Rights by Tec-Monterrey


It has been concerned about wonder if the GMO emitted into the environment effects the Biodiversity from its’ born. To solve this problem, in 2000, at Montreal, Cartagena protocol was adopted. Cartagena protocol was adopted for that, ”In accordance with the precautionary approach contained in Principle 15 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the objective of this Protocol is to contribute to ensuring an adequate level of protection in the field of the safe transfer, handling and use of living modified organisms resulting from modern biotechnology that may have adverse effects on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, taking also into account risks to human health, and specifically focusing on transboundary movements.” and Japan entered into it in 2003.

This regulation about gene recombination is so important to us who treat GMO and we have to consider the content of it with the increase of GMO crop yield.

So we, Hokkaido University team, participated in online forum held by Graph gene team in Mexico.

Purpose of this forum

This online forum was held by Graph gene team in Mexico and for shaping policy for our discipline of biotechnology/synthetic biology. This online forum imitates the real discussion from parties and observers to the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD, part of United Nations). Next conference and meeting of the Parties of the Cartagena Protocol will be taken place in Mexico, so they held this online forum like their government. Hokkaido University team participated in this forum and posted our opinions on every set topic.

Our opinions

We provided the following our opinion to each Topic.

iGEM Academy by UCSF



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