
We are HSNU-Taipei, the eveners! From Taiwan!
People always call Taiwan "The kingdom of delicacy". But recently, some profit-oriented oil producers have done some bad things to our society. They added recycled oil into cooking oil. Even after refining, the cooking oil may still contain toxic substances and will damage our health. And these incident made people feel panic. As a result, we want to create a self-developed low cost recycled oil detector to ensure the food safety in Taiwan with our power.
Why are we called the E-vengers?We combine the “E” from E.coli with the “-vengers” from the Avengers into “The Evengers”. This word represents we are the hero that stand out and use E.coli to fight for food safety.
We're going to talk about four heavy metals. Why the edible oil was polluted by heavy metals? Because the oil containers will dissolver heavy metals into oil, and animal feed oil is made of animal entrails, and animal entrails usually keep on the metabolism of these heavy metals. That’s why heavy metals are in the oil.
Circuit Design For Detecting Cadmium and Copper
This is the genetic detection of cadmium.
ZinTp is a promoter, and it would not be activated in normal, so the fluorescent gene would not express. But when cadmium appears, cadmium will not activate the promoter, so the fluorescent gene can express. By doing so, we can be sure that we successfully detect cadmium.Just like cadmium, we use the same way to detect copper.
        We divided into five parts. For the government part, from the political and law perspectives they have given us some suggestions. In NGO, we visited the John Tung foundation. 
      Synthetic biology is widely applied in every aspect of life, nd this is why we think  each age group should have some degree of understanding in this area.
     The biggest victim in the food scandals should be the vendors. By interviewin them,we hope our biosensor can let the vendors detect the oil by themselves. Even can    popularize to each families. So each person all have the right to maintain the food  safety.
In order for the public to know the basic of our experiments, we create game apps for cell phones to simplify our complex experimental procedures. We have two cell phone games the first game is gene maker and the second game is gene check.
During the promotion, our games have profound effects on our audiences. We even create some questionnaires for the public to answer. To sum up, our group ultimately hope to ensure food safety and strengthen the ability to defeat those inhumane oil producers within Taiwan. Because we as teenagers wish to represent Taiwanese spirits, we promise a better future for Taiwan.
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