
IGEM Bordeaux 2015

French Meet-up 2015

This year, Bordeaux team hosted the French Meet-up with the help of Cap Sciences (Scientific Museum in Bordeaux specialized in scientific popularization) during the last weekend of August (29-30th). We invited all French and francophone teams. Aix-Marseille University iGEM team, Paris_Saclay iGEM team, Pasteur_Paris iGEM team and Toulouse iGEM team came from France, KU_Leuven iGEM team came from Belgium and EPF_Lausanne iGEM team came from Switzerland and all enjoyed the weekend with us.

On Saturday morning, iGEM Bordeaux organized an orientation races in the city. The objective was to answer enigmas about synthetic biology and other iGEM projects to find clues for the next location they needed to go to. Divided into three teams, we were able to visit the beautiful city of Bordeaux which ended in a picnic at the Cap Science Museum.

There, teams presented their projects in front of other teams and general public at Cap Sciences and we talked with the audience about the inconvenient and advantages of each project. Each team had to make their presentation understandable for everyone. We also were lucky to have a theatre expert who gave us constructive feedback on the best way to present our projects at Boston and to a non-scientific public.

When every team finished their French presentation, each team made a very quick presentation of their project in English without a PowerPoint, and then again, the public gave some advice for each team.

Look look at our short presentation in English down below!

Look at our long presentation in French with English subtitles down below!

After a long day of walk and talk, we went in a restaurant and went home to have a well-deserved rest to be ready for the Sunday activities.

On Sunday, we all met at the Jardin Public (Bordeaux Park) to do some activities proposed by iGEM Paris_Saclay and iGEM Pasteur_Paris teams. The first one organized a debate about biosafety, and filmed a short video of iGEM team presentation on biosafety for each project. This encouraged all teams to think about safety considerations in their project and allowed us to discuss general safety issues such as containing Genetically Modified Organisms and ensuring that they do not become out of our control.

You can see the little videos which have been made this day following this link: LINK.

Afterwards, we had a discussion about Paris Pasteur's project and answered their survey in order to talk about the pollution due to the plastic and help them with their project.

You can see their survey following this link : iGEM Paris Pasteur Survey

We would like to thank again all of the teams which came to our meetup, Cap Sciences for the loan of their place and for the videos. We also thank all the people who took pictures and videos this week-end and shared them with us.


Paris- Saclay

When talking with Paris-Saclay during our meetup we were very interested in their project this year which is concerned about safety. Safety in our project is not a particular problem since we are using our genetically modified organisms for production and all cells are destroyed during Curdlan purification. However, when thinking about alternatives where our bacteria would be directly applied on grapevine leaves, these safety issues are extremely important. We spent some time with them during the meetup and afterwards thinking about Safety of our project.


The Oxford team of 2015 has generously proposed to help us to establish a short toxicology review of our Curdlan molecule. Our lab does not have the required material to do so and this would help complete our project. So we sent them a sample of our produced Curdlan so they could do tests on it.

Collaboration on Policy and practices surveys

Throughout the year, we have been contacted to answer surveys and to share surveys. We answered to the best of our abilities all of the following surveys: UI-Indonesian , UCL , TEC-Monterry. When possible we gave feedback to improve their surveys. We also participated to Paris-Bettencourt's rhizi project , which is a good method to connect different iGEM teams and collaborate

tec ucl bet

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