
SJTUB transformation logo.jpg Transformation

pdark natural transformation

In the evening of Aug. 29

2nd liquid segregation of pdark-HR

pcpcG2 electro-transformation

In the evening of Aug. 24

We picked 4 colonies (marked with 1,2,3 & 4) from the pcpcG2-HR plate and spread them on another BG11 plate in parallel seprately to do solid segregation

In the evening of Aug. 30

We scraped the grown cell from the plate, which is 2,3 & 4 to do colony PCR, 1st liquid segregation and solid storage

pdark-GFP electro-transformation

In the evening of Aug. 24

Set culture.

In the evening of Aug. 26

Electro-transformation of pdark-GFP.

In the evening of Aug. 27

Collected half of the cell and mixed with 5ml soft agar, then poured on solid medium plate.