
A lot of institutions and people are supporting us during our project! We'd like to thank them here.



Institute of Systems and Synthetic Biology peoples

We would like to thank people from the Institute of Systems and Synthetic Biology to welcome us on the institute and lended us a room, machines and stuff to work all the summer long.

We want to thank particularly Bernadette Lauret and Sylvie Bobelet who were more helpful than ever to tackle at every administrative and ordering trouble. And at for bench work we would like to thank André Lejeune, Brian Jester, Vincent Libis and Ioana Popescu for given interesting advices.

In vivo & in vitro tests

We would like to thank people from the Institut Curie, Olivier Lantz, Christine Sedlik, Katarzyna Franciskiewicz, for letting us try our immunotherapy on melanoma bearing mice.

We are also very grateful to Anne Galy and Maxime Ferrand from the Genethon, for giving us consumables and material needed to perform in vitro tests


Human Practices

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