Team:KU Leuven/Attributions
On this page, we would like to everyone who helped us and is not already mentioned on the team page.
Wet Lab
Prof. Hideaki Mizuno
Prof. Mizuno shared his knowledge on fluorescent proteins and visualization with us. Thanks a lot!
Vincent Gielen and Sam Duwé
Vincent Gielen and Sam Duwé from Prof. Hofkens' group generously provided us with fluorescein, to generate a standard curve for the interlab measurements.
Centre of Microbial and Plant Genetics (CMPG)
We would like to thank the CMPG lab for their help. Prof. Jan Michiels and Valerie Defraine gave us advice with respect to the AHL detection. Prof. Christine Peeters and Stefanie Roberfroid provided us with the Chromobacterium violaceum (CV026). We also kindly received three knock-outs: Δtar, ΔcheZ and Δtsr from Natalie Verstraeten.
Dry Lab
Prof. Dirk Roose
Prof. Roose from the Department of Computer Science gave us some advice on coding and math.
Tim Odenthal
We would like to thank Prof. Herman Ramon and Tim Odenthal for their opinion and suggestions on the hybrid model.
Prof. Marc De Maeyer
Prof. Marc De Maeyer helped us to provide access to the supercomputer.
We thank the Flemish supercomputing centre (VSC) for giving us access to their computing power.
ICTS KU Leuven
The team from the ICTS schooled us on how to use the supercomputing servers.
Prof. Jan Michiels
Our gratitude goes to Prof. Jan Michiels and his research group for modeling advice
Address: Celestijnenlaan 200G room 00.08 - 3001 Heverlee
Telephone: +32(0)16 32 73 19