37 °C

Nilüfer Aksöz And Me

Name: Mert Çiftçi
Age: 16.89
Hometown: Antalya
Interest: Biology
Beverage: Milk
Favorite Protocol: Transformation
Chocolate: White Chocolate
To Where?: Uranus
Favorite Food: Cheese
I have no special talent. I am only passionately biologist.

With Serhat Karabulut

Name: Fatih Gül
Age: 17.89
Hometown: Amasya
Interest: Poetry
Beverage: Fresh Hydrogen Peroxide
Favorite Protocol: Transformation
Chocolate: White Chocolate
To Where?: Uranus
Favorite Food: Sugar Cubes
I am a very very very big Justin Bieber fan. Everybody loves him! Very very bigfan...very very.

In Suit :)

Name: Abdulkadir Karadağ
Age: 18.04
Hometown: Muğla
Interest: Fishing
Beverage: Sprite
Favorite Protocol: Protein Isolation
Chocolate: Dark Chocolate
To Where?: Italy
Favorite Food: Kebab
I am a man.


Name: Berka Akdeniz
Age: 16.90
Hometown: Eskişehir
Interest: Move
Beverage: Water
Favorite Protocol: Colony PCR
Chocolate: Unexist
To Where?: Dalmatia Islands
Favorite Food: Plums
Discipline, discipline, discipline...:P


Name: İbrahim Orhan
Age: 18.50
Hometown: Rize
Interest: Biochemistery
Beverage: Lemon Mineral Soda
Favorite Protocol: Ligation
Chocolate: Bitter Chocolate
To Where?: Moon
Favorite Food: Maklube
Travel to New York riding dolphins to Dallas holding on to a kangaroo's neck.