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Medal requirements


We have registered an iGEM team, had an awesome summer in the lab, and we will attend the Jamboree.

We have completed the judging form.

We have uploaded a description of our project on this wiki-page and registered our BioBricks, Ssb, pTPI1, RecA, Ste2Mam2, and pTEF1pSUC2 by using Registry of Standard Biological Parts.

You can come and visit us by our nice poster at the Jamboree and come and hear our presentation on the 25th.

We have a page on the wiki where all the attributions are listed.

We have documented the following new parts that have been used in our project: Ssb, pTPI1, RecA, Ste2Mam2, PprA and pTEF1pSUC2.


We have characterized two of our registered BioBricks: Ste2Mam2 and pTEF1pSUC2.

Ste2Mam2 and pTEF1pSUC2 have both been registered in the iGEM Part Registry.

We believe that the Human Practices are really important. We have therefore done work concerning both safety and ethics as well as various outreach efforts in different areas. You can read all about it on the pages Safety and Human Practices.


We have done something extra special and new for our Human Practices. We recognize the importance of everyone being able to find information about scientific topics which are explained in a simplified way. We have therefore translated and extended articles on Wikipedia which is a very important source of information.

We have during the entire summer collaborated with the team Czech Republic. It’s their first year participating in iGEM so we have been helping them with some startups as well as where to find important information and the free DNA starting kit. We have also shared some of our Human Practices and modeling work with them.

We have improved the function of RecA by codon optimizing it for yeast. Previously only codon optimized for bacteria.We have also improved the pSUC2 promotor in our fused promotor Ptef1pSUC2, the promotor is still regulated by sugar but now has a higher promotor strength.