Team:NYU Shanghai/Practices


Shanghai SciTech Museum Exhibition


We coordinated with the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum to have an iGEM Exhibition day. Each iGEM team had two tables to exhibit their project; in attendance were Tongji, Fudan, Jiaotong Software, Jiaotong Wetware, Zhejiang, and NYU Shanghai iGEM teams. Both parents and children had a lot of fun with our interactive media!


Barcamp is the an "unconference" event where anyone can share and learn in an open environment. Maker, tech, and DIY enthusiasts from all over Shanghai came to NYU Shanghai to experience Barcamp. We gave a presentation on the future of Synthetic Biology, and had a lot of great questions about the role of bio-error and bio-terror in the future of synthesized organisms.

Workshop for MakeforKids

We gave a DNA Visualization workshop to kids and parents attending MakeForKids Saturday lessons. We were scared we would have to answer the question, "What is DNA?" but we were surprised to find that most kids already had a grasp on the concept of DNA. Both parents and children were quite delighted to see the results of the DNA extraction from their cheek cells.

Workshop for Kongjiang Highschool


We gave an workshop to Kongjiang Highschool computer science club on Arduino, VR, and bioluminescence.

Higher-ed STEM Carnival

Shanghai Association for Science and Technology, jointly with Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, extended an invitation to us on attending the Higher-Ed Makers Exhibition. This exhibition is for student makers from local universities to present their works. In addition to general public, Liu Yunshan, member of China Politburo Standing Committee, and Zhou Bo, Vice Mayor of Shanghai, will also be attending this event.

Interview By the Good Life Magazine

The Good Life magazine is a French-based magazine whose articles gear towards business and lifestyle. We were interviewed by the Shanghai branch who were interested in learning more about synthetic biology, our team, our school, and our student life!


Our antics made it to the Discover page of the Strikingly website! Strikingly is a website builder that provides beautiful templates for the non-expert web designers.

Interview with an Experimental Musician

Ze has many interesting thoughts on music, DJing, and bio-art. Ze does many cool things.