
General Support

Jan Kiel<b> and <b>Dirk Jan Scheffers<b> taught the non-biologist the basics of molecular biology and safety in the lab and Juke Lolkema for the safety lecture.</div>

Ger Telkamp arranged all the necessary lab equipment.

Kevin Knoops for making a EM picture of bacillus subtilis.
Fotografie Jaap de Boer for making the photos of our team.

Bacillus subtilis support

Dr. E. Frenzel for her advice on Bacillus subtilis and general care for us.
Renske Raaphorst & Clement Gallay for helping us with our cloning strategy and everyday problems. They have given us a lot of good feedback on our presentation.
Molecular Genetics for providing us with the Bacillus subtilis 168, 3610 ComI, JH642, PY79 and Natto strains.
Professor Jan Willem Veening for giving us the BD1807 strain from which we isolated our abrB knockout.

Measurement support

Professor W.R. Browne for making it possible to test our reference electrodes in his lab when they were malfunctioning.
Professor G.J.W. Euverink for his expertise and explanation regarding blue energy and for getting us in touch with Wetsus.
Professor M.J.E.C. Van der Maarel for explaining the use of alginate.
Wetsus for giving us a commercial CEM membrane and lending us silver/silver chloride reference electrodes.
Michel Saakes for sharing his expertise on blue energy and advice on prototype construction.
The Molecular Genetics department for letting us use their microscopes for experiments.

Modelling support

Prof. Bayu Jayawardhana for supervising our modelling efforts.
Dr. Paulo C. Telles de Souza for answering questions on and helpin with molecular dynamics and gromacs.
Prof. dr. S.J. Marrink for enabling us to work on a molecular dynamics model.

Human practices

RIVM & Rathenau Institute for allowing us to present our project at their symposium and for facilitating a discussion about synthetic biology with Dutch policy makers.
COGEM for explaining current legislation on GMOs in the Netherlands and the European Union.
Tanja van der Woude of Science Linx for the opportunity to teach children about synthetic biology through a small lecture and our iGEM card game..
Zoë Robaey, PhD student at the Center for Ethics and Technology at Delft University (optional info) for advice on and support in writing our scenarios..
Roel Bovenberg of DSM for reviewing our scenarios.
The Ubbo Emmius fund for their advice on Outreach and for making the great promo video of our project.
Martje Vis for her help in organising a fun fundraiser at our university.
S.A. (Aljoscha) Wahl and Professor O.P. Kuipers for organizing the national iGEM meetup in Delft and Groningen.
OOGTV for broadcasting the interview with our team and all the time and effort they have put into this.
The Gomarus college for letting us teach the children about synthetic biology and our project.
