

Hi! We are 25 students from Biochemistry, Biology and Bioinformatics.
We are pleased to meet you!

Back row: Kevin Sabath, Nicolai von Kuegelgen, Jens Reich, Simon Huber, Nikolas Layer

Center: Philipp Mayer, Adrian Geissler, Milena Krach, Stefanie Holz, Sarah Roffeis, Yvonne Thoma, Lisa Koob, Daniela Nguyen, Laura Schenkel, Katharina Sporbeck, Vivien Weber, Tim Kucera

Front row: Katerina Romanova, Viktor Beke

Instructors and advisors

Prof. Dr. Alfred Nordheim, Department of Molecular Biology, Interfaculty Institute for Cell Biology, University of Tuebingen

Prof. Dr. Oliver Kohlbacher, Professor for Applied Bioinformatics, Center for Bioinformatics, University of Tuebingen