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During out iGEM project we tried our most to work as a team with all elements of our project from the wiki design, interlab study to the actual iGEM project. In this way we were all able to understand all elements of our project. We also had designated tasks to do, which allowed us to efficiently finish our work. However there were times where we did not fully understand an idea or a certain protocol such that we got support from members of the Genetics Department at the University. At the same time all our work wouldnt be possible without the sponsorship we had got. Below is a list of all the help we got as a team:

  • General Support
  • Project support and advice:
  • Richard Haigh
  • Prof. Ketley
  • Alex
  • Fundraising help and advice:
  • University of Leicester
  • Fisher Science
  • Lab support:
  • Millie
  • New England biolabs
  • Starlabs UK
  • Heathrow science
  • IDT (supplying the 20kb of DNA)
  • Difficult technique support
  • Project advisor support
  • Dr Badge
  • Prof. Dalgleish
  • Wiki support
  • Presentation coaching
  • Human Practices support
  • Thanks and acknowledgements for all other people involved in helping make a successful iGEM team