
IGEM Bordeaux 2015

Bronze Medal

Team Registration.
Complete Judging form.
Create a Team Wiki.
Present a poster and a talk at the iGEM Jamboree.
Create a page Team on the wiki.
Look at our Page Team Page
Describe Attribution of each aspect of your project.
Look at our Attributions Page
Document at least one new standard BioBrick Part or Device central to your project and submit this part to the iGEM Registry.
BBa_K1686045 : CrdA Page

Silver Medal

Experimentally validate that at least one new BioBrick Part or Device of your own design and construction works as expected.
Submit this new part to the iGEM Parts Registry.
Demonstrate how your team has identified, investigated and addressed one or more of these issues in the context of your project.

Gold Medal

Expand on your silver medal activity by demonstrating how you have integrated the investigated issues into the design and/or execution of your project OR demonstrate an innovative human practices activity that relates to your project.
Help any registered iGEM team from another school or institution.
Improve the function OR characterization of an previously existing BioBrick Part or Device.
Demonstrate a functional prototype of your project. Your prototype can derive from a previous project (that was not demonstrated to work) by your team or by another team.