Team:Slovenia HS/Team

Team Slovenia_HS: Team

About us

About the first Slovenian high school iGEM team

We are a high school research group composed of 8 biology and chemistry enthusiasts. As we attend 7 different secondary educational institutions across all Slovenia we are a very diverse team. We are all honoured to be the first Slovenian high school team to take part in the iGEM HS competition and face the challenges the synthetic biology poses.

''Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much''

- Helen Keller -

We joined our knowledge and experience under the supervision of the National Institute of Chemistry Slovenia and the Chair of Biochemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the University Ljubljana, who also selected the team members among 32 applicants. For the application procedure we had to write a personal statement about our passion for this area of research, attend an interview and work out a thorough project design challenge. As we are still only high school students with very little experience in synthetic biology we could not start working on our project straight away (even though we wanted to). Instead, we had to sit a few lessons first. Throughout these we extended our knowledge on our field of work by learning the basics of biotechnology, synthetic biology, lab safety and by practicing basic lab protocols.

We carried out their wet-lab research at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology while the biotechnologists preformed their research at the National Institute of Chemistry. At the same tame we held all-group meetings to share our results and experience and work on our project thoroughly.

Team members

Jernej Šavli

Jurij Vega Grammar School Idrija
Why are you interested in synthetic biology?
My interest in synthetic biology is based on the variety of different applications it has and the mechanisms it exploits to achieve these innovations. It uses the fundamental nature`s principles in order to improve the quality of our lives or to help us preserve the environment.
What was your favorite part of the project?
My favourite part of the project was when we were testing protein expression and for the first time gained proof our genes in fact work.
Responsibilities: lab work

Zala Sekne

Kranj Grammar School
Why are you interested in synthetic biology?
I am interested in synthetic biology because of the promising improvements and facilitation of daily life situations. In synthetic biology there is still so much unknown and undiscovered and I wish to narrow that gap. The favorite part of our project was learning about genetic modification and when the first electrophoresis was done. It fascinates me that we can basically modify them in almost any way imaginable, change and cut DNA sequences. I found great passion, happiness and inspiration in chemistry and biology and synthetic biology partially combines both of the above mentioned sciences. But the crucial and the key thing is that besides all the research we do, we widen our knowledge and our horizons, search for new, alternative, better and more effective solutions for the problems, which pest the society nowadays.
What was your favorite part of the project?
The favorite part of our project was learning about genetic modification and when the first electrophoresis was done. It fascinates me that we can basically modify them in almost any way imaginable, change and cut DNA sequences. I found great passion, happiness and inspiration in chemistry and biology and synthetic biology partially combines both of the above mentioned sciences. But the crucial and the key thing is that besides all the research we do, we widen our knowledge and our horizons, search for new, alternative, better and more effective solutions for the problems, which pest the society nowadays.
Responsibilities:lab work, fundraising campaign organisation, project clip, collaboration

Anže Vozelj

Gimnazija Trbovlje High School
Why are you interested in synthetic biology?
Synthetic biology really offers countless opportunities for creating new, important solutions.There was dramatic development of synthetic biology in last few years and therefore I can not imagine how much can synthetic biology still give to us to improve our lives in the next years. It is quite amazing how we can, by using synthetic biologic methods, create extensive biologic systems.
What was your favorite part of the project?
Our work was focused on genetic modification of bacteria. I spent most of time in laboratory working with microorganisms. I enjoyed working with bacteria, which are really very unpredictable. You simply can’t imagine how many factors have to be satisfied for successful results. That is really the “mistery” of science work and it makes it attractive.
Responsibilities: lab work, searching for sponsors, tracking synthetic biology protocols, reaching out to public

Ana Milovanović

First High School Celje
Why are you interested in synthetic biology?
Learning about microorganisms and their role in modern world was always appealing to me. Synthetic biology brings basic science to a whole new - applicative level, which opens plenty of opportunities for scientists to solve problems of modern world. It can help humans exist within their environment with better health and while taking better care of the world in which we live. It is hard to explain the feeling when different concepts of synthetic biology are folded properly and it can be seen how they relate. Without hesitation I can say that synthetic biology is appealing to me, while it is not one of those sciences the more you learn and understand the rules, the more they makes sense.
What was your favorite part of the project?
Maybe it sounds cliché, but what I was truly charmed by, in the science and research, is that you never know what is going to happen with your experiment if you change a parameter and what the output is going to be. Bacteria are living creatures that act completely different than for example inorganic compounds that are very predictable. What I like the most is “tricking” the bacteria to work the way you want them to work.
Responsibilities: lab work, graphical design, wiki design, project clip

Domen Kulovec

Novo mesto Grammar School
Why are you interested in synthetic biology?
Ever since I was a small child I’ve been intrigued by the nature around me. That’s why I was more than happy when I was told that I'll be part of this story. This was great opportunity for me to work in more than well equipped, gain new knowledges, experiences and friendships. I didn't know that synthetic biology can be so interesting and appealing.
What was your favorite part of the project?
My favorite part of the project was meeting new people and facing chalanges on daily level.
Responsibilities: lab work, wiki manager, searching for sponsors, reaching out to public, social media, web page, fundraising campaign promotor

Mariša Cvitanič

Gimnazija Bežigrad International School
Why are you interested in synthetic biology?
Synthetic biology absolutely fascinates me because there is so much that could be done using its methods! I think the whole field of synthetic biology is unbelievably promising: from applications in medicine, pharmacy, to industry and even fuel production. Every time I think of what else could be created my imagination blooms with ideas and this is what really makes me feel inspired and motivates me.
What was your favorite part of the project?
I would say the best part of our project was the fact that we were given the opportunity to work under the surveillance of such amazing mentors. I enjoyed every single day in the lab community for I am an inquirer and there was always something new to learn.
Responsibilities: lab work, photography, wiki design, reaching out to public, collaboration with other teams, planning, social media, fundraising campaign, project clip

Aleš Zupančič

Novo mesto Grammar School
Why are you interested in synthetic biology?
If I had been asked about synthetic biology at the beginning of my high school career, I would have probably tried to overcome the »words failed me« moment and do absolutely everything to hide the fact that I don't have a single clue about it. Through years, I have come across this new, modern, and vital science that showed me that rather than learn about biological concepts on their own trying to apply them to a bunch of random unrealistic problems; it came like an unexpected solution that can be directly applied to "real life" problems and situations.
What was your favorite part of the project?
Working in laboratory, I have soon realized that the key for successful research is combining various sciences and knowledge of scientists from several areas of expertise to create a multidisciplinary research. Although our project is primary focused on synthetic biology, it combines elements from chemistry, ecology, and chemical engineering. Only when combined together, they can form a project that can offer a possible solution to one of the future world's most important problems.
Responsibilities: planning, lab work

Nina Jerala

Diocesan Classical Gymnasiumsynthetic
Synthetic biologist
Why are you interested in synthetic biology?
Because by taking parts of many different natural biological systems and standardising them, we can make complicated processes relatively simple and efficient in solving many of the world's problems, such as disease, pollution, and energetics. Furthermore, it is a novel approach to learning about and understanding the natural world around us, and what is cooler than that?
What was your favorite part of the project?
For me the absolute favorite part is the rush after looking at your results and realizing they were finally succesful and that the biological systems you designed are working like you want them to. There is nothing else like it.
Responsibilities: leader of synthetic biologists, lab work, planning, collaboration, reaching out to public, project clip

Mentors and advisors

Dr. Ilja Gasan Osojnik Črnivec

National Institute of Chemistry Slovenia

Dr. Marina Klemenčič

Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology

Prof. Dr. Marko Dolinar

Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology

Prof. Dr. Albin Pintar

National Institute of Chemistry Slovenia