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function highLightPos(){
/* $('nav ul li').each(function(){ // convert relative path into absolute path
var $href = $(this).find('a').attr('href');
// highlight
if(location.href.match(convertPath($href))) { $(this).addClass('active'); } else { $(this).removeClass('active'); } });
*/ $('nav ul li a').each(function(){ // convert relative path into absolute path var $href = $(this).attr('href').split('#'); var $myHref = location.href.split('#') // highlight
if($myHref[0] == convertPath($href[0])) { $(this).closest('li').addClass('active');
return false;
} else { $(this).closest('li').removeClass('active'); } }); }
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function convertPath(relPath){
var e = document.createElement('span'); e.innerHTML = '<a href="'+ relPath +'" />'; return e.firstChild.href;