

We would like to thank everyone who has had a contributing role in the completion of our iGEM project. From the initial inception, through development and and at each apparent dead-end, we’ve been lucky enough to have a range of fantastic support and guidance. We also want to give thanks to everyone at iGEM for granting us this unique opportunity.

Special thanks to:

Dr. George Wadhams

Dr. Chris Jones

Professor Judy Armitage
For providing us with lab space for the summer, as well as some of her enzyme stocks.

Professor Anthony Watts
For his help with funding, travel and organising alumni talks.

Professor Antonis Papachristodoulou
For his guidance and patience as our modelling advisor.

Andreas Harris
For helping us set the course for our modelling section.

Laura Evans and Jan Harris
For being so accomodating and providing us with great insight to the treatment of UTIs.

Jessica Martyn
For her constant support and motivation throughout the project.

Nasir Ahmad
For his inspiration and guidance over the course of the project.

Also thanks to:

Andreas Diepold
For his help with molecular cloning and characterisation. As well as

Andrea Szollossi
For her help with characterisation and advice on designing the poster.

Matt Smith
For his help with purification and characterisation.

Dr. Andrew McBain
For his talk on biofilms.

Steve Dinsdale
For his help regarding the potential manufacture plans.

James Scott-Brown and Thomas Prescott
For their help with the modelling section of our project.