

   Notebook contains information regarding things we did over the summer

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June (Hee)
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Event keys

  Team related event


  Lab related

  • 28/01/2015 The first meeting was held to have a brief introduction about iGEM competition in general
  • 17/03/2015 The official iGEM team to represent the University of York was formed!
  • 03/06/2015 We were invited to Science and technology alumni network discussion event as part of our outreach event
  • 04/06/2015 Article published on the university's central news about this years iGEM team.
  • 12/06/2015 A meeting was held with Yorkshire Waters to discuss water remediation process regarding Yorkshire region
  • 13/06/2015 We were invited to a University of York Biology Alumni event
  • 15/06/2015Two events occurred
    • Some of us went to a round-table discussion about the impact of Santander at York as some of the team members won International Connections Award by Santander.
    • Article published on Mind the Horizon about University of York iGEM
  • 19/06/2015Two events occurred
    • Lab safety induction was carried out
    • We delivered pamphlet at Festival of Ideas to raise awareness about iGEM competition and synthetic biology
  • 26/06/2015 We participated in giving guide to a prospect students about iGEM
  • 27/06/2015 We participated in giving guide to a prospect students about iGEM
  • 01/07/2015
    • Competent cells were made
    • 01/07/2015 In LO labs plates were streaked with two isolates of each deletion wanted from the Keio collection [ PPX, PPK, PstA, Pstb, PstC, PstS and PHO E] These have been collected and put into the 37 degrees room.