

Note: all experiments were done with all members present, unless otherwise noted

June 15, 2015

Protocol Notes/results/purpose
Transformation of plasmids from Pardee paper Into DH5a, all transformations successful
Grow O/N of DH5a Competent cell prep (Konstantin Borisov)

June 16, 2015

Protocol Notes/results/purpose
O/N of transformations Miniprep
DH5a competent cell prep 25 tubes of 200ul each, enough to last all summer! (Konstantin Borisov, help from Tatyana Yatsenko)

June 17, 2015

Protocol Notes/results/purpose
Transformation of plasmids from iGEM registry Into new DH5a, all transformations successful

June 18, 2015

Protocol Notes/results/purpose
Test PT7 lysate with Pardee paper plasmids No convenient method of visualization, so we started looking for a plate reader

June 22, 2015

Protocol Notes/results/purpose
PCR pSB1C3 with backbone fwd and rev primers For Gibson assembly, learning process
Gel of PCR products Visualization and purification of pSB1C3 backbone
Gel purificationObtained enough backbone for the rest of the summer!

June 23, 2015

Protocol Notes/results/purpose
Gibson assembly of protease parts from IDT, transformation into DH5a All transformations multiple colonies
Transformation of CMU ERT7 into DH5a Success, faint yellow from YFP seen under blue light

June 24, 2015

Protocol Notes/results/purpose
Miniprep and diagnostic gel of Gibson assembly All 3 had appropriate bands
Crude lysate Original S30 extract protocol, much too dilute due to incorrect weighing