Team:William and Mary/Software



W&M iGEM Presents: Sequence Analyzing Software

Download our sequence analyzing software here. Then see below for the steps to use the software.

(1) Place all files with observed sequences in a single folder.

(2) Make input spreadsheet of expected sequences following the example template.

(3) Place folder of observed sequences and input spreadsheet in the same directory as

(4) Run To do this, navigate in command line to directory holding, input spreadsheet and folder of observed sequences. There, Input “python”

(5) On command, enter the name of the folder with observed sequences and the name of the input spreadsheet and press Enter. (These are separate commands with separate inputs. For each input, place the name in quotes, .i.e. “150722 Sequences”.)

(6) Program will output each analysis into a separate .docx file in a Results folder which it will create. See example output.

(7) Program will output summary into a spreadsheet in Results folder.

(8) Check command line output. These will indicate if there is any discrepancy between the output and the observed sequence.

Example Output

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