The 2015 RHIT iGEM team dedicates this page to all the wonderful people who helped make our project such a success this year!
Team Members
Dani Bauhan
Dani was the team's student leader and was the lead on the team's lab work. She also used her previous iGEM experience to provide helpful feedback for the other members of the group.
Nick Edwards
Nick was responsible for creating graphics for the team, helping in the lab, and reviewing and searching for primary literature to help the team's progress.
Mike Plaskett
Mike was heavily involved in finding and reviewing primary literature and assisting Dani in the lab.
Chris Kibler
Chris was responsible for the design and production of the wikispace, and did a lot of the work in managing the team's journal.
All Members of the team worked together with Drs. Anthony and Goulet to produce written materials and a variety of teaching aids and props to provide a super fun learning experience for the middle school science campers.
Team Advisors
Dr. Ric Anthony
Dr. Anthony provided the team with background information and knowledge, training and advice on biological techniques, methods, lab work and safety. He also raised funds and provided much encouragement throughout the project.
Dr. Dave Goulet
Dr. Goulet helped organize the team, develop strategies, and keep the team's progress moving at a good pace. He also provided feedback on much of the written work the team completed.
We would like to thank the following individuals for their help and support throughout the project!
Shannon Tieken: BBE Laboratory Technician and Greenhouse Manager
Shannon was the team's primary contact for supply management
Lisa Knott: BBE Department Secretary
Lisa helped complete administrative tasks.
Dr. Kay Dee: Interim Head of the BBE Department
Dr. Dee helped the Team get access to labs and tools on the Roses-Hulman Campus.
Lou Johnson: Chemistry Department Lab Manager
Lou supplied the iGEM team with many of the chemicals and equipment that the team required for the experiments.
Cindy Irwin: Chemistry Stockroom Manager
Cindy was also involved in providing chemicals and equipment necessary for experiments.
AIT Biosciences provided primary funding for the Team. We thank them for their generous support!
Integrated DNA Technologies provided valuable DNA synthesis services. Many thanks!