
Cork iGEM

In late July, we hosted the first meet-up in Ireland with some members from the Cork iGEM coming up to Dublin for a day. The day started off in Trinity’s Global Room where we provided tea, coffee and biscuits as well as bananas as a healthy alternative to the visitors. Here, we got to discuss how both our respective projects were progressing and also possible ideas for collaborating. Since we are new to iGEM this year, it was also interesting to hear Cork’s experiences at the previous year’s Giant Jamboree in Boston.

After the discussions, Cork iGEM got to see the Book of Kells and the Library before a quiet evening meeting in one of Dublin’s pubs. It was an enjoyable experience to have a fellow Irish team over for a visit. We look forward to seeing them again soon at the Jamboree in Boston as well as meeting fellow iGEM teams from around the world.