

It would have been difficult for us as students to come this far on the road to Boston without the following people who have helped us in many ways. We would like to thank each and every one for their support, guidance and encouragement.


Anders Virtanen

Anders Virtanen is a professor at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology and the director of the Uppsala RNA Research Centre (URRC). Anders primarily studies enzymes involved in regulating fate and function of the plethora of RNA molecules in the cell. Another goal of his is to develop novel antibiotics targeting RNA molecules. He has been our supervisor and a course administrator for the university course related to our project.

Gunnar Johansson

Gunnar Johansson is a professor in Biochemistry at Uppsala University. His research focuses on enzyme nanotechnology and sustainable materials technology based on biomass. Gunnar has been at our brainstorming sessions in the beginning of our project and provided his suggestions and advice on the feasibility of our project. He has helped us by providing chemicals and protocols for chromatographic techniques, sonication and SDS-PAGE.

Mikael Nissbeck

PhD student at Uppsala RNA Research Center (URRC), Department of Cell and Molecular biology, at Uppsala University since 2012 and is currently working with the human enzyme Poly(A)-specific ribonuclease (PARN) in the Anders Virtanen group at the Uppsala Biomedical Center. Mikael has provided us with help and guidance when we had problem with protocols and in obtaining good results. He also assisted us with ordering primers, enzymes and reagents.

Sethu Madhava Rao Gunja

Research Assistant at Chemical Biology group, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology in Uppsala University since 2012 and is currently working on Physiological characterisation of human enzyme Poly(A)-specific ribonuclease (PARN) in the Anders Virtanen group at the Uppsala Biomedical Center. Sethu has provided us with help and guidance over the methods that were used, specifically vacuum centrifugation and TLC. He also assisted us with ordering enzymes and reagents.

Anthony Forster

Anthony Forster is a professor at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology and a member of the Uppsala RNA Research Centre (URRC). He is researching synthetic biology, protein synthesis and drug discovery and is currently working towards the synthesis of a minimal cell. Anthony has provided us with valuable feedback and guidance during our initial meetings.


Erik Gullberg: For providing us with advice about protein purification techniques and fluorometer characterisation.

Erik Lundin: For providing us with advice on fluorometric tests and MACS testing.

Maria Wilén: For being our lab officer and helping us with lab safety and materials.

Onta Wanderoy: For being our lab officer and helping us with lab safety and materials.

Margareta Krabbe: For helping with administrative tasks regarding financial issues and general support.

Jolanta Levenfors: For providing us with a bacterial strain to be used as a positive control.

Kunishige Kataoka: For providing us with the sequence for the modified laccase.

Sanna Koskiniemi: For providing us with information on the addition of export tags to our genes.

Kumari Ubhayasekara:For helping us in characterisation studies of biosurfactant specifically with mass spectrometry.

Laura Lehmann: For providing valuable advice on expression, purification and characterization of the enzyme of interest.

Jan Roelof van der Meer: For providing us with the Pseudomonas putida strain Ppg7 and advice regarding how to grow it.

Uppsala iGEM Foundation: For making sure that iGEM Uppsala lives on, and acting as a general contact between all previous Uppsala iGEM teams.

IBG: For helping us create a University course, so we can use our own lab and help us cover many of our costs.