A few months back, it was a dream. Today, it’s a reality. The transition didn't come by our efforts alone. There were people who didn’t hesitate to spend their valuable time on us. And we certainly do owe a lot to them. We are grateful to our mentor Prof. Shaikh Ziauddin Ahammad, who selflessly supported us in unfavorable situation, for facilitating funding and allowing us access to UG lab. It was a fortunate coincidence that Dr. Stefan Oehler accepted role of primary trouble shooter for our molecular biology work, and happily answered our queries. We are grateful to him that he allowed us to leach his lab resources. We are also thankful to Prof. James Gomes, from the Kusuma School of Biological Sciences, for his valuable advice and moral support, and Prof. Biswajit Kundu for helpful conversations.
A special note is due to Prof. P.V.M Rao who went beyond his way to facilitate our work and for letting us the access to Workshop, IIT Delhi. We are thankful to Prof. Anurag Sharma, Dean, IIT Delhi for helping us sail administrative processes. Our team owes a lot to Anamika Singh (RNA 2 Lab), who provided constant support and help, no matter how late it was in the night. Also a thank you note to Garima Goyal (Protein Engineering Lab) for allowing us to access to her labs. We are also thankful to the Karan Varshney for helping us make crowd funding video.