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<m1>Project ---ExTermite Coli--- </m1>
<m2><p span style=" font-size: 20px; font-family:Comic Sans MS; background-color:#66cc66"> Project
</m2></p><m3> ExTermite Coli is a new system to exterminate termites.</m3> <m3> It is composed of two parts, pseudo egg and engineered E. coli. </m3>
<m3>The exterminateon of termites by ExTermite Coli involves three steps ( Figure…):
<m3> 1. Engineered E. coli is carried into the termite’s colony. The engineered E.coli also get into the termite’s gut.
<m3>2. The engineered E. coli inhibits metabolic pathway of the termite, which in the long-term extermination of them.
<m3>3. After extermination of the termites, ExTermite Coli loses its function by light-induced lysis.</m3>
<m3>The details about each of the mechanisms and theif related experiments shown
in the each of the link page.</m3>
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