Team:Valencia UPV/Modeling/Conclusions
After modeling AladDNA, these are the most important features that characterize our genetically engineered machine: 1. MÜLLER, K. et al. (2014). A red light-controlled synthetic gene expression switch for plant systems. Royal Society of chemistry. 2. MÜLLER, K. ZURBRIGGEN, M & WEBER, W (2014). Control of gene expression using a red- and far-red light-responsive bi-stable toggle switch. University of Freiburg, Germany. Nature America. 3. VIGNONI, A. BOADA, Y. REYNOSO-MEZA, G & PICÓ, J. (2015). Obtaining model based guidelines for the design of synthetic devices with robust performance. An adaptive network case. Universitat Politècnica de València UPV. Frontiers in Bioengineering. 4. PICÓ, J et al. (2015). Modelado de sistemas bioquímicos: de la Ley de Acción de Masas a la Aproximación Lineal del Ruido. Valencia, España. ELSEVIER. 5. ZHOU, X et al. (2012). Optical control of protein activity by fluorescent protein domains. Stanford, CA, USA. Science. 6. :BONNET, J. SUBSOONTORN, P & ENDY, D. (2012). Rewritable digital data storage in live cells via engineered control of recombination directionality. Stanford, CA, USA. PNAS. 7. BONNET, J. SUBSOONTORN, P & ENDY, D. (2012). Supporting Information: Rewritable digital data storage in live cells via engineered control of recombination directionality. Stanford, CA, USA. PNAS. 8. QUIJANO RUBIO, A. (2015). Construcción de un Nuevo interruptor genético basado en recombinación específica de sitio para Biología Sintética de Plantas. TFG. Valencia, Universitat Politècnica de València Editorial. 9. PICO, VIGNONI,MUÑOZ (2015).Chapter 2 of Syntethic biology Wet&Dry lab PICO, VIGNONI,MUÑOZ (2015). John Wiley&Sons Publication. 10. PICO, VIGNONI, PICO-MARCO, BOADA. (2015) Modelado de sistemas bioquímicos:de la Ley de Accion de Masas a la Aproximaci ón Lineal del Ruido . Science direct.
Input sequences that achieve maximum results for the production of each output are:
Alpha input sequence
Beta input sequence
Gamma input sequence
Omega input sequence