Team:TU Delft/Team

TU Delft/Header

Team Members

Our team consists of nine ambitious students with interdisciplinary backgrounds from Delft University of Technology and Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. The team is advised by experts in the fields of biotechnology, bionanoscience and applied physics.

Max van't Hof

Hi! After doing the bachelor Life Science & Technology and being board member of the study association for one year I'm currently doing the master Life Science & Technology. I'm the science manager of this year's team. For me iGEM is a nice practical application of my master and also a good way to learn more about other subjects like policy & practice, fundraising and design.

Stefan Marsden

After my Bachelor in Chemistry at the University of Basel (CH), I was looking for a new challenge which I found in the Life Science & Technology Master and the iGEM competition. Biotechnology is a powerful tool to drive innovation towards greater sustainability in the chemical industry. My role is the scientific specification of our construct and hardware requirements for it to be put into practice. During my free time I fence saber on national level and I recently participated as a dancer in a theater production.

Tudor Vlas


Samantha Balaso


Hector Sanguesa Ferrer

I am an enthusiastic student from Morella, Spain, who is working hard for the Master program in Life Sciences and Technology. After some years studying my Bachelor’s degree in Barcelona, I moved to Delft looking for new experiences in biotechnology. Here I had the great opportunity to join the iGem team, where I am responsible of safety issues and lab management. In my free time, I enjoy doing sport and reading; I could say I enjoy playing football as much as I enjoy science.

Michelle Post

Ciao, I am an ambitious, motivated and open-minded student with interest in both the biotechnology and science communication. Being the policy and practice manager give me the excellent opportunity to explore both sides; a perfect combination between science and communication. Besides iGEM I really enjoy singing in my jazz band ‘The Bowties’, cooking delicious dinners for my friends and drinking wine or Belgian beers.

Liana Uilecan


Marit van der Does

Hi. I'm a third years bachelor student Nanobiology. The reason I joined iGEM is to get more practical experience. I learn a lot during my study programm, but I also want to learn how to use that knowledge. I am the Public Relation Manger of the team, but I also help a lot with the modeling and the lab work.

Anne Rodenburg

Studying as a third year student, biological and medical laboratory studies, I am the youngest member of the team. I joined the team to learn how to work on a huge project with students from different backgrounds, and also to distinguish myself from others . I am the Fundraising and Budget Manager of the team, while at the same time I also work in the lab.

Team Advisors

Dr. Anne Meyer

ing. Esengül Yildirim

Jorine Eeftens MSc.

Dominik Schmieden MSc.

Dr. Timon Idema.