Team:AHUT China

The Manufacturing Plant of APeGs

Despite the fact that nowadays increasing attention has been paid to our health condition, there also exist more and more factors that can cause damage to our health, sometimes even making our life under great threat.
Great significance of extracting effective bioactive components from natural plants to benefit human beings has been gradually revealed, particularly when now we are showing more concerns to improving our health condition. We have found that compound Acyl phenylethyl alcohol glycosides in rehmannia can bring many benefits to our health, such as the regulation of neuroendocrine system, immunoregulation, anti-hepatitis and liver protection, energy boosting and anti-fatigue, anti-bacteria, anti-tumor, anti-radiation, ischemic myocardium protection, etc.
However, there also exist some difficulties of extracting natural elements from plants, such as the lack of natural plants and products. In order to ensure human beings a better life by gaining more products and lowering the price, we are expecting to increase the production of compound Acyl phenylethyl alcohol glycosides in rehmannia to get more effective bioactive components from limited products. In this way, we are approaching the noble goal of bringing more healthy benefits to our species. After having researched biosynthetic pathway of compound Acyl phenylethyl alcohol glycosides in rehmannia, we decide to introduce and adopt the gene that can increase the key enzyme activity in biosynthesis process to realize the goals of enriching synthetic metabolic pathways of natural bio-products and increasing the target product.