Meet the Rose-Hulman 2015 iGEM Team!
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Dani Bauhan
Chris Kibler
Dani is a member of the graduating Class of 2016, is an active member of Chi Omega, and is involved in Tri Beta. She is a Biology and Biochemistry & Molecular Biology double major from Indiana, and is excited for Graduate School to focus on Molecular Biology. She enjoys long nights in the lab, a good micro-pipette, and when digests work out the first time. She was the student leader of the team, and helped guide the team with her experience from the 2014 competition.
there once was a man name steve
Mike Plaskett
Nick Edwards
there once was a man name eric
there once was a man name bob
Dr.Ric Anthony
Dr.David Goulet
there once was a man name larry
there once was a man name edward