Team:EPF Lausanne/Notebook/Ecoli
Make pdCas9-w
Fuse dCas9 (from plasmid pdCas9) with the w subunit of polymerase (from plasmid pWJ66) to allow dCas9 to activate a gene when it binds upstream of the promoter.
We received the plasmids in bacteria. We did a Miniprep (cf. Protocols) on overnight cultures to isolate the plasmids.
We opened pdCas9 and extracted the w subunit from pWJ66 by PCR. We assembled these parts with Gibson assembly.
Open pdCas9 by PCR and extract w subunit from pWJ66 by PCR
Materials and method
Phusion PCR of 1 ng pdCas9 with HF buffer, annealing temperature (Ta): 58°C, extension time (ext): 150 sec, 30 cycles
Phusion PCR of 1 ng pWJ66 with HF buffer, annealing temperature (Ta): 62°C, extension time (ext): 15 sec, 30 cycles
PCR products were analyzed after PCR Product Purification (cf. Protocols) by 1,2% agarose gel electrophoresis.