Team:ETH Zurich/Notebook/Text


  • Interlab study:ligation and transformation
  • Redo transformation that failed
  • Order primers, Antibodies and lactate kits


  • Send trafos (bricks and Interlab parts) for sequencing
  • FACS training
  • Colony PRC for trafos
  • Make cryostocks of interlab positive and negative control
  • Design and order lldRO versions (incl lacO)
  • transform again InterLab ligated constructs (twice each)


  • Colony PCR for InterLab constructs
  • Send InterLab constructs for sequencing
  • Annexin V part : put parts together with backbone
  • Amplify lldR from the genome
  • Make overnight culture for GFP cells
  • Make cryostocks of the 3 constructs (3 replicates)
  • Retransform InterLab control I20270?
  • Design and order all remaining constructs/primers


  • Got labelled annexin
  • ON culture for I35104 and the three InterLab promoters (15mL in total) from picked colony
  • Run lldR PCR on gel and purify the construct!
  • Look into sTRAIL handling (prepare for use)
  • GFP competent cells


  • Miniprep Of InterLab study
  • Digestion of InterLab-purification
  • lldP amplification from the genome--> didn't work!
  • Amplify INP from the biobrick and purify from gel
  • Alliquoting of TRAIL


  • Throw away the incorrect parts
  • Transform TOP10 and gfp strains for efficiency study
  • Measure concentration of fG0008-fG0012
  • Ligate InterLab fragments
  • InterLab transformation
  • Get Omp-8 cells
  • TOP10 ON culture


  • Make TOP10 cryostock
  • Transformation efficiency study
  • Colony PCR Interlab
  • Interlab sent to sequencing
  • Measure conc of lldP
  • Transform pSEVA
  • Make new LB+CM plates
  • Make an ON culture from c13


  • Passage cells
  • Pick up Omp-8
  • Use B0032 (sequenced) for negative control of InterLab
  • Make new LB
  • Colony PCR
  • Send device to sequencing
  • Omp-8 ON culture at 25ºC
  • pSEVA ON culture
  • Competent cells


  • Miniprep pSEVA
  • Send one sample of pSEVA for sequencing
  • Repeat interlab 2 colony PCR (all negative..)
  • Depending on sequencing results: throw out or correctly label the cryo tube which is now called p32-1
  • Sample resubmitted for sequencing with reverse primer oiG002
  • Remake Omp-8 preculture
  • Make TBF buffer


  • Mammalian cell passaging
  • Order oligos
  • Amplification of annexinV
  • Digestion of pSEVA low copy
  • TPR digestion: failed partly
  • Digest of InterLab 2


  • Digest pSEVA371
  • SOC medium
  • Gibson assembly annexin
  • Plan mammalian experiments with TRAIL
  • Transform interlab, annexinV-pSEVA, pSEVA371, pSEVA271
  • Overnight culture of Omp-8 at 16°, 25°, 37°
  • Digest pSEVA371


  • Passage cells
  • Asked Tania
  • Comment with Margaux the mammalian experiments
  • Cryostocks
  • Primer design
  • Colombia -> protocol sent
  • PCR for lldP-lldR


  • Make LB-agar and LB-medium
  • pSEVA miniprep
  • pSEVA digest and purification with miniprep
  • Purify lldR-lldP fragments (fridge) (digest the template first)
  • PCR for remaining INP-Annexin fragments
  • 2% agarose gel for remaining INP-Annexin fragments
  • Make ON cultures of all useful BioBrick transformants for cryo stocks


  • Start mammalian experiments+ TRAIL
  • Shopping list
  • Colony PCR annexinV colony
  • Competent Omp-8
  • Mammalian cell FACS
  • Gibson assembly
  • Transformation INP-An, lldP-lldR, AnV, p27 and p30
  • Make LB
  • Preparation of interlab study


  • Colony PCR
  • Cryostocks (still missing 27 and 30)
  • InterLab FACS done!
  • Sequencing
  • Make ITA buffer


  • Compare results: no results
  • Colony PCR of lldR-lldP
  • GA for lldR-lldP diluted
  • pSEVA271 digestion and miniprep
  • Preparation of lldR-lldP plates
  • After meeting planning of experiments
  • ON culture of AnV and INP-AnV


  • Cryostock of interlab device 2
  • lldR-lldP colony PCR
  • Miniprep of ON of AnV and INP-AnV, send to sequence
  • TPR re-do
  • BioBrick assembly of luxI-term
  • Gel-purify all PCR products from monday
  • Evening: set up mammalian cells with christian
  • pSEVA ON for cryostock
  • BB assembly ligations overnight


  • Start TRAIL and E Coli mammalian experiments, monitor all day
  • Colony PCR for new colonies of AnV
  • ON cultures of AnV
  • lldR-lldP miniprep
  • Redo digest for luxI-term assembly (C0161)
  • Transformation of bb-assembled stuff
  • Send for sequencing: the "lldR-lldP" plasmid (once with oiG0003 and once with oiG0004)
  • Make overnight culture from cryostock of INP-Annexin_2
  • ON of GFP cells for co-culture
  • Gibson Assemble Plasmids p62-81
  • Transformation of gibson assembled plasmids


  • Make cultures of BB assembled, colony PCR
  • Make cultures of p62-81, colony PCR, make overnight cultures
  • Pick up sequencing labes from shop- afternoon (let grow for a long time): miniprep a lot of INP-Annexin, send for sequencing with oiG0004
  • Omp-8 transformation efficiency
  • Set up mammalian cells and bacteria for lactate experiment
  • Mini-prep C0161 and B0012
  • Digest C0161 and B0012
  • Overnight culture for interlab


  • Set up reader plate
  • Gibson assembly for lldR w/o lldP
  • Transform and plate lldR constructs
  • Lactate experiment: change medium at 12:30
  • Make cryostocks of all things to sequence (annexin and all assemblies)
  • Send all things for sequencing
  • Use TOP10 culture for lactate experiment
  • Repeat co-culture 14:00-16:00
  • Redo digest of C0161 and B0012 (includde test of enzymes)


  • Set up overnight cultures of cryos made on friday plus maybe more of each assembly from 0715 plus from assembly on 0717



  • Check sequencing results
  • Data process: lactate
  • Redo digest to test enzymes
  • Send stuff to sequence
  • New fragments with new fragments
  • Make colony PCR
  • Throw away stuff from cryostocks
  • Make overnight cultures of what is missing: (p72 and p73)
  • Plan mammalian experiments to know how many cells we need each day
  • Process data (FACS, InterLab and lactate)
  • Make o/n cultures for interlab in triplicates


  • Early do interlab and InterLab sumitted
  • Keep making new fragments with new primers
  • If sequencing is correct, make fragments for PL(5)
  • Send p72 to sequence
  • New fragments: DPN1 digest, gel, purify from gel
  • Miniprep stuff
  • Continue TPR, ligate and transform


  • TRAIL experiment start at 9:00 fro 3T3
  • Repeat transformation of lldR and TPR
  • Miniprep c44 and c45 and INP-Ann and p72 to have more plasmid
  • Sample organisation study
  • Colony PCR and make ON culture of lldR andTRP(12_114_34)
  • Send 50 for sequencing with different primer
  • Miniprep p73 variants for sequencing
  • Colony PCR
  • TRAIL experiment 15:30-17:00 FACS machine
  • Continue TPR assembly
  • Digest BioBrick backbone
  • Annexin buffer binding made new
  • TOP10 ON


  • Colony PCR of GFP-INP-Annexin
  • Colony PCR of lldR, 12_117, TPR
  • Make more LB
  • Digestion Annexin- bb--> no band on annexin
  • Send TPR for sequencing
  • ON culture of AnnexinV and B0012
  • Making Competent Top10 cells