Team:Aalto-Helsinki/Modeling micelle

Under construction


--Picture of the pathway here, CAR, ADO and butyraldehyde highlighted to clarify what we are talking about.--

The product of second to last enzyme of our pathway, butyraldehyde, is toxic to the cell. Because of that and about 15 naturally occurring butyraldehyde-eating enzymes in the cell it is essential for the propane production that Butyraldehyde goes swiftly to the enzyme we want it to go, ADO. As the solution to this our team wanted to put CAR and ADO close together in a micelle so that butyraldehyde would go with more probability to ADO than to any other enzyme.

--Basic picture of micelle to explain what is micelle here? Or is it essential since we explain it at the next part?--

We have made a model of effectiveness of having enzymes close together, but our team also wanted to know if the micelle structure was possible at the first place. We know (references as links for this statement!) that it is possible to form the micelle without any proteins at the end and with green fluorecent protein, but could CAR and ADO be part of this kind of structure?

Geometrical approach

Here geometry calculations. Perhaps as subcategories of where we got the values and why we can use those and then other category of the calculations.

Discussion and restrictions of our model

Here text about how we didn't take into account any forces and how this model could be improved.