
<div class="title">Misa title</div>
<div class="subtitle">Misa subtitle</div>

When writing a text block use the div class text ^^.

<div class="text">I am text</div>

For the following cases you must not add a title, but you have to add it to the class of the div.

<div class="text conclusion">example</div>
  • conclusion
  • introduction
  • abstract
  • goal
  • description

for refering and citing we use the following divs, do not write table, figure or formula, this is done automaticly.

<a href="#tbl0" class="ref tbl">1</a>
<a href="#fig0" class="ref fig">1</a>
<a href="#for0" class="ref for">1</a>

<a href="#remark0" class="remark">1</a>
<a href="#nnamless0" class="cite">1</a>

For all objects, you have to give a name if you want to refer to it. these objects are the following. plase the id in the tag of the object div.

  • formula
  • figure
  • table


D lets make tables, first make the basic outline for the table. it is best if you first type the title headings of you table and decide the widths of you columns then copy your title and replace header with record and yes.
<div class="object data" id="tbl1">
	<div class="wrapper">
	<div class="header">
		<div class="field fw3">Lobortis</div>
		<div class="field fw3">Vitae Elementum</div>
		<div class="field fw7">Morbi ac Nulla</div>
	<div class="record">
		<div class="field fw3">32.0</div>
		<div class="field fw3">IEE234B</div>
		<div class="field fw7">Vivamus at malesuada ipsum. Maecenas vitae ornare libero</div>
	<div class="caption">My caption here *D</div>


There two sizes for figures: small (482px × 265px) and large (800px × 233px). Don't forget to crop images to one of these sizes and include the size in the file name as in the example.

	|caption=bla bla and more bla yes.

for the imageversion argument you have to pick the parts between brackets of the full link.



For inline formulas just use latex.

\(x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}\

for not inline, use this yes below.

<div class="object formula" id="for1">
	$$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}$$


<div class="listing">
	<div class="item">Item 1.</div>
	<div class="item">Item 2.</div>

Ensure Changes at Refresh

It is best if you want to check you changes to type the public url like
