Team:UCLA/Notebook/Spider Silk Genetics/11 May 2015




Vinson Lam

1 2AB, 2BC, 2CA Ligation Test

1.1 BsaI digestion of 2AB, 2BC, 2CA

Used 5 ug of each DNA.

2AB (112 ng/uL)2BC (205 ng/uL)2CA (218.7 ng/uL)
BsaI 4 uL 4 uL 4 uL
Template44.6 uL 24.39 uL 22.86 uL
Cutsmart5 uL 5 uL 5 uL
ddH2O 0 uL 16.61 uL 18.14 uL
Total 53.6 uL 50 uL 50 uL
50 C 2 hr
65 C 20 min

We are conducting ligation tests between all possible combinations using T4 and T7 ligase

2 NotI Concatemers

Sri suggested using NotI to digest the plasmids and create a super plasmid that contains multiple copies of the monomers.
Testing NotI digestion today using 2CA with the protocol below.

2CA (280 ng/uL)
NotI-HF 2 uL
DNA 7.2 uL
Cutsmart5 uL
ddH2O 35.8 uL
Total 50 uL
37 C 1 hr
65 C 20 min

3 Results

Cast 200 mL of a 1.5% TAE agarose gel to visualize results of both BsaI and Not1 digestion.


Figure 1: Digestion Results: The 100 bp bands were excised as well as the second band in the NotI digestion.