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<p>Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet sed accumsan donec.
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nisi praesent dolor adipiscing. Integer mi sed nascetur cep aliquet
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Arcu phasellus tortor enim mi mi nisi praesent adipiscing. Integer
mi sed nascetur cep aliquet augue varius tempus. Feugiat lorem
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<p>Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet ac arcu phasellus tortor enim mi mi nisi praesent adipiscing. Integer mi sed nascetur cep aliquet augue varius tempus lobortis porttitor lorem et accumsan consequat adipiscing lorem.</p>
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<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:BroadRun-NorthernVA"><li>HOME</li></a>
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<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:BroadRun-NorthernVA/Solution"><li>Solution</li></a>
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:BroadRun-NorthernVA/Methods"><li>Methods</li></a> 
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:BroadRun-NorthernVA/Results"><li>Results</li></a>
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:BroadRun-NorthernVA/Design"><li>Applied Design</li></a>
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<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:BroadRun-NorthernVA/Parts"><li>PARTS</li></a>
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:BroadRun-NorthernVA/Notebook"><li>NOTEBOOK</li></a>
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<a href="#"><li>HUMAN PRACTICES
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:BroadRun-NorthernVA/Practices"><li>Overview</li></a>
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:BroadRun-NorthernVA/Education and Public Engagement"><li>Education and Public Engagement</li></a>
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:BroadRun-NorthernVA/Sustainability"><li>Sustainability</li></a> 
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:BroadRun-NorthernVA/BasicResearch"><li>Further Applications</li></a>
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<h2>Interdum felis blandit praesent sed augue</h2>
<p>Accumsan integer ultricies aliquam vel massa sapien phasellus</p>
<p>Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet ac arcu phasellus tortor enim mi mi nisi praesent adipiscing. Integer mi sed nascetur cep aliquet augue varius tempus lobortis porttitor lorem et accumsan consequat adipiscing lorem.</p>
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<li><a href="#" class="button">Learn More</a></li>
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<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:BroadRun-NorthernVA/Collaborations"><li>COLLABORATIONS</li></a>
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:BroadRun-NorthernVA/Attributions"><li>ATTRIBUTIONS</li></a>
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:BroadRun-NorthernVA/Team"><li>TEAM</li></a>
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:BroadRun-NorthernVA/ContactUs"><li>CONTACT US</li></a>
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:BroadRun-NorthernVA/Sponsors"><li>SPONSORS</li></a>
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:BroadRun-NorthernVA/Awards"><li>AWARDS</li></a>
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<div id="contentContainer"> <!--The closing tag for contentContainer should be placed at the bottom of each content page.-->
<h1><font size="5"><div class="center"><font color="#7A0000"> Welcome to the 2015 Broad Run High School iGEM team's Wiki!</font size></font color></h1>
<DD><font size="4"><font color="black"> <div class="center">
      We are Broad Run High School's first ever iGEM team, formed by our two captains Marissa Sumathipala and Adriel Sumathipala, and one of Loudoun County's first ever teams.
We have a geographically diverse team, spanning two states and three different school districts, united by our passion for synthetic biology and intellectual curiosity.
<div class="highlightBox">
<font color="white"; font size="5"><b>iGEM 2015 Jamboree Results</b>
<p> <font color="white"; font size="4.5">Nominated for Best High School Project</p>
<p> <font color="white"; font size="4.5">Winner of Best Poster</p>
<p> <font color="white"; font size="4.5">Winner of Best Presentation</p>
<p> <font color="white"; font size="4.5">Nominated for Best Wiki</p>
<p> <font color="white"; font size="4.5">Silver medalist </p>
<p> <font color="white"; font size="4.5">We would like to thank our community lab, BUGSS, and our two mentors, Dr. Lisa Scheifele and Dr. Tom Burkett for their invaluable help and expertise, without which we would not have made it here.  </p>
<!-- Four -->
<font color= "black">Contact us at brhsigem@gmail.com!</font>
<section id="four" class="wrapper style1 special fade-up">
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<header class="major">
<h2>Accumsan sed tempus adipiscing blandit</h2>
<p>Iaculis ac volutpat vis non enim gravida nisi faucibus posuere arcu consequat</p>
<div class="box alt">
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<section class="4u 6u(medium) 12u$(xsmall)">
<span class="icon alt major fa-area-chart"></span>
<h3>Ipsum sed commodo</h3>
<p>Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet accumsan donec. Blandit orci porttitor.</p>
<section class="4u 6u$(medium) 12u$(xsmall)">
<span class="icon alt major fa-comment"></span>
<h3>Eleifend lorem ornare</h3>
<p>Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet accumsan donec. Blandit orci porttitor.</p>
<section class="4u$ 6u(medium) 12u$(xsmall)">
<span class="icon alt major fa-flask"></span>
<h3>Cubilia cep lobortis</h3>
<p>Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet accumsan donec. Blandit orci porttitor.</p>
<section class="4u 6u$(medium) 12u$(xsmall)">
<span class="icon alt major fa-paper-plane"></span>
<h3>Non semper interdum</h3>
<p>Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet accumsan donec. Blandit orci porttitor.</p>
<section class="4u 6u(medium) 12u$(xsmall)">
<span class="icon alt major fa-file"></span>
<h3>Odio laoreet accumsan</h3>
<p>Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet accumsan donec. Blandit orci porttitor.</p>
<section class="4u$ 6u$(medium) 12u$(xsmall)">
<span class="icon alt major fa-lock"></span>
<h3>Massa arcu accumsan</h3>
<p>Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet accumsan donec. Blandit orci porttitor.</p>
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<li><a href="#" class="button">Magna sed feugiat</a></li>
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<h2>Magna faucibus lorem diam</h2>
<p>Ante metus praesent faucibus ante integer id accumsan eleifend</p>
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Latest revision as of 01:26, 28 October 2015


Welcome to the 2015 Broad Run High School iGEM team's Wiki!

We are Broad Run High School's first ever iGEM team, formed by our two captains Marissa Sumathipala and Adriel Sumathipala, and one of Loudoun County's first ever teams. We have a geographically diverse team, spanning two states and three different school districts, united by our passion for synthetic biology and intellectual curiosity.
iGEM 2015 Jamboree Results

Nominated for Best High School Project

Winner of Best Poster

Winner of Best Presentation

Nominated for Best Wiki

Silver medalist

We would like to thank our community lab, BUGSS, and our two mentors, Dr. Lisa Scheifele and Dr. Tom Burkett for their invaluable help and expertise, without which we would not have made it here.

Contact us at brhsigem@gmail.com!

