Team:Czech Republic/Notebook



Week 1 (4-10)

Module 2

PCR of the ste2 gene from the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 7284 strain (Genome extraction, PCR, Gel electrophoresis).

Czech Republic M2 gel-05-04.png

Cloning of the amplified ste2 into pRSII416 vector. (Restriction digest, Ligation, Transformation).

Verification of the pRSII416_ste2 construct (Miniprep, Restriction digest, Gel electrophoresis).

Czech Republic M2 Ste2verif.png

Summary: We successfully obtained ste2 gene from the yeast genome and cloned it into pRSII416 vector.

Week 2 (11-17)

Module 2

PCR of the incomplete MF(ALPHA)1 locus (see the Design page for details) from the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 7283 strain (Genome extraction, PCR, Gel electrophoresis).

Czech Republic M2 AlphaF1.png

Second PCR

Week 3 (18-24)

Week 4 (25-31)


Week 5 (1-07)

Week 6 (08-14)

Week 7 (15-21)

Week 8 (22-28)

Week 9 (29-05)


Week 10 (06-12)

Week 11 (13-19)

Week 12 (20-26)

Week 13 (27-02)


Week 14 (03-09)

Week 15 (10-16)

Week 16 (17-23)

Week 17 (24-30)

Week 18 (31-06)


Week 19 (07-13)

Week 20 (14-20)