Team:OLS Canmore AB CA

The Breakers (iGEM 2015)

Project Description

Our team is developing two keratinase-producing E. coli bacteria using the KERA and KERUS genetic sequences found naturally in the Bacillus genera. The KERA and KERUS sequences will be optimized for expression in E. coli, synthesized into plasmid rings, and ligated into a standard biobrick backbone for submission to the iGem parts registry. An IPTG-inducible promotor (part BBa_J04500) from the standard registry of parts will then be added to each KER gene to express this protein. Development of the bacteria and verification of function continue to be the goals of this year's team. Long-term goals for this project include keratinase expression protein assay, characterization of optimal conditions for keratinase activity, and kinematics modelling for understanding the rates of protein function in this new biological system.