

Andre Baxter

  • Biomolecular Engineering
    Bioinformatics minor
    Merrill College (UCSC)
    5th Year
    Grant, Social Media, & Website Team
    From: Napa, CA 

"I started this project nervous and afraid about my ability to not only perform in a laboratory setting but as a captain as well. Yet now that have gone through iGEM I have become both an experienced researcher and a decisive leader who is able to communicate with all levels. This project has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life and I only hope that in the future more potential researchers are able to live what I have lived. With new experiences, knowledge, and friends in hand I look back at back at my iGEM experience only wishing to live it once more."

Nina Sardesh

  • Bioelectronics Engineering
    Electrical Engineering minor
    Stevenson College (UCSC)
    4th Year
    Grant & Social Media Supervisor
    From: San Francisco, CA 

Sanusha Bijj

  • Biomolecular Engineering
    Bioinformatics minor
    College Nine (UCSC)
    4th Year
    Grant, Social Media, &
    Website Team
    From: San Jose, CA

"Being apart of iGEM was more than just an experience. I was able to not only learn new lab techniques, but also learn how to fundraise, communicate, and think broader. My contribution to the team not only include lab work but publicizing our research through newspapers, writing grants, and writing thank-you letters. Two important qualities I learned from this experience were patience and communication. I can definitely say that this experience has prepped me to deal with the future research labs that I will encounter."

Jackson DeKloe

  • Molecular, Cell, &
    Developmental Biology
    Bioinformatics minor
    Cowell College (UCSC)
    5th Year
    From: Fairfield, CA

Sofia Menendez

  • Biology
    Sociology minor
    Stevenson College (UCSC)
    4th Year
    Grant & Social Media Team
    From: San Ramon, CA

Isabel Madau

  • Biochemistry
    University of Edinburgh
    2nd Year
    Grant Team
    From: Baltimore, MD

Jocelyn Simlick

  • Microbiology
    Hartnell College
    4th Year
    Grant & Video Team
    From: Yuba, CA