Team:elan vital korea/safety


Safety First!

Saving the world starts with saving ourselves. You cannot save the world unless you’re in good shape. We put safety on the top priority
in any lab works. We have been informed accurately of the lab safety rules as well as bio-safety regulations at the
initial stage of the project in order to understand hazards and safety procedures. Also we received safety training from our instructor
before commencing our lab work. Even though our project is included Bio-Safety Level 1, we know very well that
there are still many risks that may be escalated into serious disaster. Furthermore, even when handling those risks that may not pose serious
threats to the experienced scientists, we as young learners should be extra careful.

The rule of thumb is:

Start with reading Safety Questions for overview.


Follow Elan Vital Safety Rules all the time.


Before entering the laboratory, read
GMS General Safety Rules
and GMS Extra Rules again and follow them


If you are unsure of the rules or confused,
ask lab assistant and/or
instructor before doing anything.

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