We did our work at P1 level bio lab and worked with E. coli DH5alpha and BL21 strains.
We have safety training by a lab manager in the school and followed standard lab regulation. We (dried them completely in the oven at 100°C) before flame test and application. We recommend that the fire retardant proteins should be purified before use.
Safety training was done at iGEM bio lab at Mingdao High School, which follows the regulation of BioSafety of Mingdao High School and Safety Guide for the Lab of Genetic Engineering from Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan.
The genetically engineered bacteria with recombinant DNAs were sterilized before discarded.
Laminar Flow
The bacteria were manipulated in the laminar flow cabinet.
Latex Glove & Laboratory Coat
We always wear gloves and coats in the lab.
Fire Extinguisher
Several extinguishers are prepared in experiments with fire.
Emergency Shower & Eyewash
Emergency shower and eyewash are equipped if there’s any necessaries.
We created fire retardant bacteria, any concerns about the application?
We would like to apply our prototype of fire retardant protein/bacteria to paint and textile industries. We didn’t perform any test with purified proteins so far because of time and cost. We recommend the proteins have better to be purified before any application. If you want to use them as paint, you can just dry and kill them completely like what we did in our test. Furthermore, we’re planning to collaborate with the KraigLabs to make GE silkworm to produce fire retardant fibers by putting the SR genes into the host.
Will there be any biological material escape from our lab?
1) We always killed all the materials including bacteria by standard autoclave procedure before letting them leave the lab.
2) The model of wooden house coated with fire retardant bacteria was dried completely in the oven at 100 for over 30 min. All the bacteria are supposed to be killed by the procedure. The fire retardant effectiveness is based on the composition of the contents, and it still works well after killing the bacteria or decomposing the proteins.
Is it dangerous to burn the materials such as cotton, cloth and wooden house in school?
In flame test, we burned our samples in a chemical lab, which has equipment with chemical fume hoods. In addition, there’s fire extinguisher, fire resisting sand, etc. in a regular lab setting.
2~16: An introduction to iGEM
6: How to use pipette
18: Synthetic biology and iGEM
23~25: Biosensor introduction
30: Definition of DNA, gene, and genome
2: Getting to know “Human Practices” and "Multimedia"
7~9: All about “cell”
● Getting to know "Poster" and "Presentation"
16~21: Introduction to biotechs
● Analysis of nucleic acids, gene cloning, analysis of protein, and immunoassay
27~Nov 18: Project discussion
28~Nov 4: Procedure of DNA cloning
Oct 27~18: Project discussion
18~25: PCR and DNA electrophoresis
● An introduction to DNA electrophoresis, PCR(Polymerase Chain Reaction), and
Kary Mullis, the inventor of PCR.
● Applications of PCR and agarose gel electrophoresis.
27: Introduction to biotechs
● Bacterial Transformation, chemical analysis
2: Started to work on the project: Fire Retardant
9: Paper discussion about fire
14: All about soy protein
25: Lab experiment:Bacteria part1
27: Experiment:
Practice 1: Plasmid extraction
Practice 2: run gel (PCR performed previously)
Run gel: samples from colony PCR
28: Lab meeting
8: Lab experiment:Bacteria part2
9: PCR, Plasmid extraction, RE digestion, agarose gel preparation and running
10: Ligation & Transformation
11: Colony PCR
13~17: Gene cloning of casein, CKII alpha, and CKII beta, etc.
21: Lab meeting:project
25: Media discussion
9: Lab meeting:team T-shirt
13: Visiting fire station
15~18: Filming
22: Present the first part of video
25, 26: Bacterial culture and plasmid extraction
27: Discussion:paper about flame retardancy mechanisms of flame retardants containing phosphorus
4: Plasmid extraction
5: T-shirt design
12: E.coli:SR phosphoprotein production
19~21: Making poster
27: Discuss ideas about our Presentation
14: Present the progress of experiment
14: Paper discussion:Flame-retardant Bio-materials
21: Group meeting: T-shirts and Poster design
23: Group meeting: Wiki design
4~26: Human practice:iGEM for Taiwan
15: Prepare for the “Science and Technology Month” campaign
●Not only popularize science and technology knowledge but also seize this
chance and give an introduction of iGEM to the other students, in order
them to know more about iGEM
25~28: “Science and Technology Month” campaign
26:Film: Fire Introduction
2: Lab meeting: Poster, T-shirt & Art Design
4: Lab meeting: iGEM for Taiwan & Human Practice
7: iGEM First Meet-up with NCTU-Formosa & HSNU-TAIPEI
7: iGEM human practice at 中興 university
8: A meeting about gene modified food
9: Lab meeting: the lab and other activities in summer vacation
11: Lab meeting: web design
14: Human practice at National Museum of Natural Science
9~21: Experiment: LB preparation, PCR, Plasmid extraction,DNA
electrophoresis,DNA clean up, and RE digestion
13-24: gene cloning for Fire Retardant BioBricks
16: Fire Test for Fire Retardant Bio-Coating part I
19-23: iGEM Asian Conference
23: Fire Test for Fire Retardant Bio-Coating part II
30: Prof. Dave Westenberg, co-advisor for the Missouri-Rolla iGEM team, visit iGEM Mingdao
10~16: Lab experiment: protein analysis
15: Practicing oral presentation
19: Filming finished
22: Practicing oral presentation
24, 25, 26: Genetic Engineering Camp for MD iGEM 2016
27: iGEM Team Meet-ups in Taipei & Hsinchu with HSNU-TAIPEI, TAS-TAIPEI, NTU-LIHPAO-Taiwan & NCTU-Formosa
28: Visiting DLuB
31: Team banner design
1~13: wiki design
4: Lab meeting
5,6: Sand painting
10: Prepare bacteria for magic show
12,13: Poster design and making
17: Oral presentation rehearsal
24~28: iGEM Jamboree
o PCR (KOD-plus, 2X PCR MasterMix)
o Transfer
o Anti-rabbit IgG-HRP antibody