Team:SZU China/Design


Combine Biological Unnatural Amino Acid(UAA)Orthogonal
genectical system with logic "AND" gate gene circuit
to detect bladder cancer cells precisely

The AND gate in digital logic gate circuits:

As we all know, there many logic gates in digital circuits.Among them,AND gate is the most basic logic gate circuit.

It can be seen as a switch, but we need two or more keys to open it,and it's very according with our requirements.When we need multiple factors limit,AND gate is undoubtedly the best choice,because only all of our requirements are satisfied,the switch can be opened, and our system can run normally.

The AND gate of our project

The AND gate of our system has two keys,and that is two promoters, hTERT and hUPll.The former is a cancer cell specific promoter,and the later is bladder cell specific promoter. When two keys exist at the same time and two promoters will start gene expression,the whole system can operate.Using AND gate to achieve specificity recognition,when it is compared with the traditional therapy,it is the biggest advantage of synthetic biology,and it’s also the basis of our project.

hRluc is a reporter that can produce RLUC which is a kind of luciferase.There is an amber stop codon UAG in the sequence of Rluc. When the system is verified having a function,it will produce an active hRluc.


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