Team:SZU China/Description



Improved parts

New Basic Part : hUPll

hUPll is a bladder tissue-specific promoter being found in human urothelium. Uroplakin II (UPII) has been characterized as a bladder tissue-specific protein and the expression of uroplakin II was found to be limited to bladder-derived cells. 2015 SZU-iGEM use hUPII to drive the expression of the therapeutic genes(such as p21 and Bax) so that the gene is expressed only in bladder cells and systematic toxicity is minimized.

Another Basic Part : hTERT

hTERT, which is short for human telomerase reverse transcriptase, is recognized as a cancer specific promoter for various cancers. Researches show that hTERT promoters are activated in tumor cells that are telomerase positive while being inhibited in normal cells that are telomerase negative, which indicates that hTERT promoter may specifically target at tumor cells.

Another Basic Part : tRNA

This tRNA gene can produce an tRNA with CUA as its anticodon, which can pair with the amber mutated stop codon UAG in the mRNA chain to continue the translation of the amber mutated mRNA. Only with this tRNA can the mRNA chain with UAG terminator being fully translated. The aminoacyl-tRNA came from barchaebacteria, and it is generally applied to unnatural amino acid orthogonal system.