

To tackle malnutrition and overconsumption of food represent one of the major challenges of humankind. The iGEM Team Marburg addresses these issues in a holistic approach by developing modular tools. Engineered, cell-based particles produce dietary supplements to alleviate malnutrition. A cell-free protein matrix with a functionalized surface targets specific nutrients to lower their concentration in the human gut. Furthermore, we engineer a contact-dependent delivery system that modifies the human gut microbial community. Taken together, we provide innovative solutions for improving and balancing nutrition at the interface of the human microbiome and gut.

Aim: bpwöendawd lflgkfs nsk fkfig spüwp saäejittttttn

Aim: bpwöe ndawdlflgkfs nskfk figspüw psaäejit tttttn

We designed and built a system to establish a niche to modify the human gut microbiome by inhibiting growth of proteobacteria.

Aim: bpwöe ndawdlf lgkfsnskf kfigsp üwps aäej ittttttn

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iGEM Marburg - ZSM Karl-von-Frisch-Straße 16, D - 35043 Marburg