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- ...<li><b>Circuit design</b>: Iván Casas, Alba González, Rubén Escriba, Pilar Baldominos, with the help of our advisor Alfredo Quijano.</li> <li><b>Planning and project design</b>: Rubén Escriba, Pilar Baldominos, with the help of our advisor Alfredo Quijano.</li>6 KB (1,007 words) - 10:53, 18 September 2015
- ...<img src="" class="img-responsive mautomargin"> <h2 class="title2">Pilar Corredor</h2>41 KB (4,200 words) - 10:20, 21 October 2015
- Pilar de la Torre and Dr Jean Marc Daran for giving us the S.cerevisiae Strains a8 KB (1,220 words) - 01:45, 21 November 2015
- <h3>Pilar Baldominos</h3>14 KB (1,804 words) - 20:51, 12 October 2015
- <tr><td>Pilar</td>12 KB (1,779 words) - 00:56, 19 September 2015