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Dundee iGEM 2015

Something Different

Life After iGEM

Something Different

Altough we have targeted forensic science the techniques and methods we used can be utilized in other fields. For example, the biospray is targeting unique or abundant compounds in bodily fluids. This could be useful in the case of MRSA which is spread through human contact with nasal mucus. MRSA is a key problem in hospitals, where we could use FluID to identify whether there is a risk of spread of MRSA. Further development into FluID could perhaps even target MRSA specifically. In a similar aspect FluID could be used to determine the cleanliness of kitchens and hospitals, to ensure that health and safety legislation is being carried out properly.

There could be potential to alter the fluorescing aspect of our devices with a different biological substance/component that could give off charge or electrons. Fluorescence can be hard to visualise at a crime seen and secondary equipment such as goggles or specific camera lens may be required. If there was a way to measure a change in charge of a substance, it could create a method of detection that would not be affected by the environmental light. This would create an advantage over many current bodily fluid detectors.


These are two unique directions that this project could go in. By looking at the methods used we have a generic platform within the FluID device that could be transformed into different fields or adapted within forensics. Since we have created a toolkit, there is also the oppurtunity to create other new tools to be used within forensics.


Look at the overview for the future of our project.


Looked at commercialisation theory of our projectc.


Look at the research needed to be done after iGEM.