Team:Exeter/Modelling BM09
Our code before a fundamental restructure which was started as a result of a meeting with a computer scientist, Jonathan Fieldsend. See associated notes on the wiki This is a simulation of the cell free kit, we hoped building this would aid the lab team in their design.
Setting our toehold/trigger ratio
t = toehold number r = trigger (RNA) number N = number of time steps
t=10; %Toeholds r=10; %RNA's N=50; %Time steps
Setting our deafault parameters
These are the parameters used for the basic setup of Brownian motion as well as the contianment to a tube. Containment is in a 1.5mm Eppendorf tube. All units are SI units unless otherwise stated.
rng('shuffle'); d_t=5.1e-8; % diameter in meters of toehold d_r=1.7e-8; % of RNA d_c=5.1e-8; % of toehold-RNA complex eta = 1.0e-3; % viscosity of water in SI units (Pascal-seconds) kB = 1.38e-23; % Boltzmann constant T = 293; % Temperature in degrees Kelvin D_t = kB * T / (3 * pi * eta * d_t); %diffusion coefficient toehold D_r = kB * T / (3 * pi * eta * d_r); %diffusion coefficient RNA D_c = kB * T / (3 * pi * eta * d_c); %diffusion coefficient complex tau = .1; % time interval in seconds p_t = sqrt(2*D_t*tau); p_r = sqrt(2*D_r*tau); p_c = sqrt(2*D_c*tau); A = 2.5e-10; %binding distance, default at 1e-7 styles=['r', 'b', 'g']; %line styles theta = 0; % changes the viewing angle change = 360/N; % the size of the angle change cylinder_radius=3.64e-3; %radius of 1.5mm eppendorf in metres cylinder_height=18e-3; %height of 1.5mm eppendorf %height can be changed depending on the volume of the solution (rather %than the total possible volume of the eppendorf)
Generating the matrices needed for plotting
The matrices needed for plotting are all randomly generated before any code is run. Here the matrices are initalised to zero and then movements are randomly generated. Displacement matrices are also made to prevent the toeholds and trigger from all forming in the same place. This is added to the movement matrix.
%Make empty matrices the size needed: tx=zeros(N,t); %toehold ty=zeros(N,t); tz=zeros(N,t); rx=zeros(N,r); %RNA ry=zeros(N,r); rz=zeros(N,r); if t>=r %complexes, limited by the smaller of t or r. c=r; else c=t; end cx=zeros(N,c); cy=zeros(N,c); cz=zeros(N,c); %Create random data movements: for i=1:t %toehold tx(:,i)=cumsum(p_t*randn(N,1)); ty(:,i)=cumsum(p_t*randn(N,1)); tz(:,i)=cumsum(p_t*randn(N,1)); end for i=1:r %RNA rx(:,i)=cumsum(p_r*randn(N,1)); ry(:,i)=cumsum(p_r*randn(N,1)); rz(:,i)=cumsum(p_r*randn(N,1)); end for i=1:c %Complex cx(:,i)=cumsum(p_c*randn(N,1)); cy(:,i)=cumsum(p_c*randn(N,1)); cz(:,i)=cumsum(p_c*randn(N,1)); end %displacement is added after binding of lines occurs. %initial displacement values: min=0; %default at 1e-4 max=3.64e-3; %displacement martices disp_tx=(min+(max-min))*randn(t,1); disp_ty=(min+(max-min))*randn(t,1); disp_tz=(min+(max-min))*randn(t,1); disp_rx=(min+(max-min))*randn(r,1); disp_ry=(min+(max-min))*randn(r,1); disp_rz=(min+(max-min))*randn(r,1);
Here all of the randomly generated coordinate points are checked against the cylinder they are contained in. If they are outside the cylinder they are moved back in. They are moved back to the edge of the cylinder.
%shift by inital displacement values: for i=1:t for j=1:N co_x=tx(j,i)+disp_tx(i,1); co_y=ty(j,i)+disp_ty(i,1); % Checking whether the toehold is in the cylinder if (co_x^2)+(co_y^2)>=(cylinder_radius^2) %both x and y lie outisde the cylinder // x inside and y %ouside // x outside and y inside grad=co_y/co_x; grad=abs(grad); if co_x<0 tx(j,i)=-(((cylinder_radius^2)/((grad^2)+1))^0.5); else tx(j,i)=(((cylinder_radius^2)/((grad^2)+1))^0.5); end if co_y<0 ty(j,i)=-(grad*(((cylinder_radius^2)/ ... ((grad^2)+1))^0.5)); else ty(j,i)=grad*(((cylinder_radius^2)/((grad^2)+1))^0.5); end %otherwise add normal displacement: else tx(j,i)=tx(j,i)+disp_tx(i,1); ty(j,i)=ty(j,i)+disp_ty(i,1); end %Z-coordinate confinement to height of the cylinder if (tz(j,i)+disp_tz(i,1))>=cylinder_height tz(j,i)=cylinder_height; end if (tz(j,i)+disp_tz(i,1))<=-cylinder_height tz(j,i)=-cylinder_height; end if (tz(j,i)+disp_tz(i,1))<=cylinder_height && ... (tz(j,i)+disp_tz(i,1))>=-cylinder_height tz(j,i)=tz(j,i)+disp_tz(i,1); end end end for i=1:r for j=1:N co_x=rx(j,i)+disp_rx(i,1); co_y=ry(j,i)+disp_ry(i,1); % Checking whether the RNA is in the cylinder if (co_x^2)+(co_y^2)>=(cylinder_radius^2) %both x and y lie outisde the cylinder // x inside and y %ouside // x outside and y inside grad=co_y/co_x; grad=abs(grad); if co_x<0 rx(j,i)=-(((cylinder_radius^2)/((grad^2)+1))^0.5); else rx(j,i)=(((cylinder_radius^2)/((grad^2)+1))^0.5); end if co_y<0 ry(j,i)=-(grad*(((cylinder_radius^2)/ ... ((grad^2)+1))^0.5)); else ry(j,i)=grad*(((cylinder_radius^2)/((grad^2)+1))^0.5); end %otherwise add normal displacement: else rx(j,i)=rx(j,i)+disp_rx(i,1); ry(j,i)=ry(j,i)+disp_ry(i,1); end %Z-coordinate confinement to height of the cylinder if (rz(j,i)+disp_rz(i,1))>=cylinder_height rz(j,i)=cylinder_height; end if (rz(j,i)+disp_rz(i,1))<=-cylinder_height rz(j,i)=-cylinder_height; end if (rz(j,i)+disp_rz(i,1))<=cylinder_height && ... (rz(j,i)+disp_rz(i,1))>=-cylinder_height rz(j,i)=rz(j,i)+disp_rz(i,1); end end end
Checking and Preparation
Here is were some checking variables are initalised, and the gird for the simulation is set up.
%checkpoints check_r=zeros(1,r); %records identities of joined RNA check_t=zeros(1,t); %records identities of joined toeholds joinlock=zeros(1,c); %records joined lines delay=zeros(1,c); %Delay for after splitting splitpoint=zeros(1,c); %timestep when split split = zeros(1,c); %Setting up the grid figure() axis([-0.00364 0.00364 -0.00364 0.00364 -0.018 0.018]) grid on grid MINOR set(gcf, 'Position', [100 10 600 600]) xlabel('Diameter (mm)') ylabel('Diameter (mm)') zlabel('Height (mm)')
The Main Loop
This is the main loop of the code were the majority of the simulation is undetaken.
for j=1:N %timesteps
if j == N break else hold on if j==1 % Plotting starting points plot3(rx(1,:),ry(1,:),rz(1,:),'kx'); %starting point for RNA plot3(tx(1,:),ty(1,:),tz(1,:),'kx') %starting point for toehold end %Generates the random number for joining probability join = randi([1 10],1); for k=1:t if check_t(1,k)==0 %plots toehold path plot3([tx(j,k) tx(j+1,k)],[ty(j,k) ty(j+1,k)], ... [tz(j,k) tz(j+1,k)], styles(2)); %toehold path end % Sets the number of complexes based on the lower of % toeholds and RNA's for m=1:r if t>=r n=m; end if t<=r n=k; end if check_r(1,m)==0 %plots RNA path plot3([rx(j,m) rx(j+1,m)],[ry(j,m) ry(j+1,m)], ... [rz(j,m) rz(j+1,m)], styles(1)); %RNA path end if join>3 %threshold probability for joining joinlock(1,n)=1; end %define complex loop variable based limiting component if joinlock(1,n)==1 if ((((tx(j,k)-rx(j,m))^2)+((ty(j,k)-ry(j,m))^2)+ ... ((tz(j,k)-rz(j,m))^2))<=(A^2) || (check_r(1,m)~=0 ... && check_t(1,k)~=0)) && (j~=1) && delay(1,n)==0 if (check_r(1,m)==0 && check_t(1,k)==0) %ensure a connecting line between new and old: temprx=(rx(j+1,m)); temptx=(tx(j+1,k)); tempry=(ry(j+1,m)); tempty=(ty(j+1,k)); temprz=(rz(j+1,m)); temptz=(tz(j+1,k)); %midpoint between the joining lines cx(j,n)=((rx(j,m)+tx(j,k))/2); cy(j,n)=((ry(j,m)+ty(j,k))/2); cz(j,n)=((rz(j,m)+tz(j,k))/2); rx(j,m)=temprx; rx(j+1,m)=cx(j,n); ry(j,m)=tempry; ry(j+1,m)=cy(j,n); rz(j,m)=temprz; rz(j+1,m)=cz(j,n); tx(j,k)=temptx; tx(j+1,k)=cx(j,n); ty(j,k)=tempty; ty(j+1,k)=cy(j,n); tz(j,k)=temptz; tz(j+1,k)=cz(j,n); %copies the toehold line to complex line for b=(j+1):N if b==N cx(b,n)=tx(b,k); cy(b,n)=ty(b,k); cz(b,n)=tz(b,k); end cx(b-1,n)=tx(b,k); cy(b-1,n)=ty(b,k); cz(b-1,n)=tz(b,k); end %plots a circle at the joining point plot3(tx(j+1,k),ty(j+1,k),tz(j+1,k),'ko'); %connector lines plot3([rx(j,m) rx(j+1,m)],[ry(j,m) ... ry(j+1,m)],[rz(j,m) rz(j+1,m)], styles(1)) plot3([tx(j,k) tx(j+1,k)],[ty(j,k) ... ty(j+1,k)],[tz(j,k) tz(j+1,k)], styles(2)) %makes check equal 1 to indicate a complex check_r(1,m)=check_r(1,m)+1; check_t(1,k)=check_t(1,k)+1; %plots first section of the complex line plot3([cx(j,n) cx(j+1,n)],[cy(j,n) ... cy(j+1,n)],[cz(j,n) cz(j+1,n)], styles(3)) split(1,n) = randi([1 N],1); %randon number for truncating limit %Range of the random number needs to be changed %depending on the statistical probability of %(e.g.) 95% of complexes split after a certain %time scale. %makes sure split point is in the maximum time step if (j+split(1,n))>=N splittime=j; splitpoint(1,n)=N; end %sets the split point if (j+split(1,n))<=N && splitpoint(1,n)==0 splittime=j; splitpoint(1,n)=(j+split(1,n)); end continue end %end of check==0 statement %at split point sets check equal to zero to indicate separate lines if j==splitpoint(1,n) check_t(1,k)=0; check_r(1,m)=0; tx(j,k)=cx(j,n); ty(j,k)=cy(j,n); tz(j,k)=cz(j,n); rx(j,m)=cx(j,n); ry(j,m)=cy(j,n); rz(j,m)=cz(j,n); %plots the split point plot3(cx(j,n), cy(j,n), cz(j,n), 'k*'); delay(1,n)=(5*t*r); %binding delay %Generate new directions from the last point of %the green line for the red line rx_temp=zeros(1,N-splitpoint(1,n)); ry_temp=zeros(1,N-splitpoint(1,n)); rz_temp=zeros(1,N-splitpoint(1,n)); rx_temp(1,1)=cx(j,n); ry_temp(1,1)=cy(j,n); rz_temp(1,1)=cz(j,n); %regenerating random numbers to plot the RNA %line for z=2:N-splitpoint(1,n) rx_temp(1,z)=p_r*randn(1,1); ry_temp(1,z)=p_r*randn(1,1); rz_temp(1,z)=p_r*randn(1,1); end rx2=cumsum(rx_temp)'; ry2=cumsum(ry_temp)'; rz2=cumsum(rz_temp)'; for z=1:length(rx2) rx(splitpoint(1,n)+z,m)=rx2(z,1); ry(splitpoint(1,n)+z,m)=ry2(z,1); rz(splitpoint(1,n)+z,m)=rz2(z,1); end tx_temp=zeros(1,N-splitpoint(1,n)); ty_temp=zeros(1,N-splitpoint(1,n)); tz_temp=zeros(1,N-splitpoint(1,n)); tx_temp(1,1)=cx(j,n); ty_temp(1,1)=cy(j,n); tz_temp(1,1)=cz(j,n); %regenerating random numbers to plot the toehold %line for z=2:N-splitpoint(1,n) tx_temp(1,z)=p_t*randn(1,1); ty_temp(1,z)=p_t*randn(1,1); tz_temp(1,z)=p_t*randn(1,1); end tx2=cumsum(tx_temp)'; ty2=cumsum(ty_temp)'; tz2=cumsum(tz_temp)'; for z=1:length(tx2) tx(splitpoint(1,n)+z,k)=tx2(z,1); ty(splitpoint(1,n)+z,k)=ty2(z,1); tz(splitpoint(1,n)+z,k)=tz2(z,1); end end %end of if j==splitpoint statement if (check_r(1,m)~=0 && check_t(1,k)~=0) %plots complex line: plot3([cx(j,n) cx(j+1,n)],[cy(j,n)... cy(j+1,n)],[cz(j,n) cz(j+1,n)], styles(3)); end end %end of if statement end %end of joinlock==1 statement %delay countdown if delay(1,n)~=0 delay(1,n)=delay(1,n)-1; end end %end of m for loop end %end of k for loop end %end of if j==N statement %drawnow
Code needed to produce a .gif file of the simulation output
% gif utilities set(gcf,'color','w'); % set figure background to white drawnow; frame = getframe(gcf); im = frame2im(frame); [imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256); outfile = 'Ribonostics9.gif'; % adjusting the viewing the angle view(theta,45); theta = theta + change; % On the first loop, create the file. In subsequent loops, append. if j==1 imwrite(imind,cm,outfile,'gif','DelayTime',0,'loopcount',inf); else imwrite(imind,cm,outfile,'gif','DelayTime',0,'writemode', ... 'append'); end
end %end of j for loop
End Of The Code
This is preliminary simulation developed by the Univeristy Of Exeter iGEM team 2015. Developed mainly by Amy, Dan and Todd.