Team:Korea U Seoul/Notebook


1st meeting

- Study software projects of previous iGEM teams

2nd meeting

- Recruit more team members

- Start to run three sub-teams: data processing, web development, and wetlab experiment

3rd meeting

- Allocate roles of each team member

- Make meeting schedules and plans

4th meeting

- Study about iGEM and synthetic biology for newcomers

- Study previous gold medal projects

February ~ March

5th meeting

- Study the program “eQuilibrator”

- Start to learn computational tools to deal with synthetic design of biochemical pathways and networks

6th meeting

- Download KEGG database

- Study about the concept of RPair of KEGG

- Design our team logo


7th Meeting

- Start to study visualization tools

- Make funding plan for the project

- Plan for a science day event for Human Practices


8th Meeting

- Continue to try to visualize toy network model

- Continue to construct networks of whole reactions and compounds

- Study about vector design

- Prepare to apply for CCP in Korea University

9th Meeting

- Analyze code of vector design from the project of SYSU-Software 2014

- Continue to construct database and develop web application

- Brainstorm topics for an experiment: Pine wilt disease, Allergen production, Luciferase for Art and Design, Photo induction >> Litography : team experiment

10th Meeting

- Continue to analyze code of vector design from the project of SYSU-Software 2014

- Continue to construct database and develop web application

- Search example pathways for program testing

11th Meeting

- Continue to construct database and develop web application

- Share the example pathway each member found

- Study how to write in JSON format and use it


12th Meeting

- Contact school departments and bio-corporations for funding

- Continue to construct database and develop web application

13th Meeting

- Study how to use D3.js

- Convert network data into JSON

- Study how to apply eQuilibrator to the project


14th Meeting

- Convert data into JSON

- Apply eQuilibrator data to our toy model

- Make brochure for funding

- Study the Judging Handbook

15th Meeting

- Create and share a ‘to do list’ of each sub-team, and set priority among those items

- Apply and check example pathways

- Look for the way to apply KEGG Atlas information to our project

- Determine which information of reactions and compounds add to our program

- Study the Judging Handbook

- Write project description!

16th Meeting

- Read articles to set pathway criteria

- Add E. coli K-12 gene data

- Write code to apply thermodynamic data

- Modify graph on web and design

17th Meeting

- Study and determine which cofactors would be added among four types of criteria

- Apply the code that calculate Gibbs energy to the toy model

- Modify input boxes of web application

- Submit CCP mid-report

- Choose a subtitle for web application

18st Network Meeting

- Modify python scripts

- Study and determine which cofactors would be added among four types of criteria

- Add polarity of reactions to the database

19nd Meeting

- Calculate the differences of ATP, NADP, NADPH, CO2 of each reactions

- Add thermodynamic data to our software

- Modify web design of the software

- Register for Giant Jamboree!


20rd Meeting

- Write a conti for our program tutorial

- Change KEGG IDs into chemical names

21st Meeting

- Make the tutorial

- Add glycan data to the database

22nd Meeting

- Design the banner for the Giant Jamboree

- Send mails asking a collaboration to wetlab teams

- Plan for a survey and a lecture for Human Practices

23rd Meeting

- Try to add up to two-degree compounds to each node

- Modify the web application


24rd Meeting

- Start to write wiki contents

- Start to prepare for the presentation

- Study API, GitHub, et cetera.