Team:Rock Ridge Virginia/Software


Lyme App


Start up page of the app. Fades out into the table of contents after a set period.

A page devoted to information about us and why we built the app. In the app, it will include much more info and a scroll bar. (Scroll bar will be for all pages of the app in the final product, along with more info for each.)

Page designated for information regarding what Lyme Disease is, its symptoms and other data.

Page designed with the intent of incorporating Google Maps to track areas with high Lyme infections and use the data to track outbreaks, both known and unknown.

Page with preventative measures designed to help better educate the public on how to avoid Lyme Disease, which will combat Lyme Disease on another front by reducing infectivity if adhered to.

Page with a live Twitter feed relating to current news in the Lyme Disease community, helping users to further research Lyme Disease and to help those with Lyme Disease seek further avenues for help.

Left: Stu Gisburne, App designer for Gizbitz. Right: Jakob Jasin (JJ), Rock Ridge iGEM Programmer and Lyme App Designer #letsdothis

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