Team:Tec Guadalajara/Results

Project Results

SEM Image of Graphite SEM Image of Graphene

SEM image of graphite and reduced graphene oxide. Graphite arranges in agglomerates while reduced graphene oxide shows clear separated sheets.

IR spectra of graphite, graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide

IR (infrared spectroscopy) spectra of graphite, graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide. Graphite shows double bond C=C; graphene oxide have C-H, C=O, C=C and C-O; and reduced graphene oxide C=C and C-O.

EPR of Graphite EPR of Graphene

EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) results from graphite and reduced graphene oxide, respectively. The graph corresponding to graphite shows characteristic spectra with no hyperfine interactions; on the other hand, reduced graphene oxide clearly shows hyperfine interactions due to its electrical properties.