- Plasmid DNA purification
- Centrifuge the 5mL culture tube for 10 minutes at 3000 rpm.
- Remove the culture medium and add 250uL buffer P1 (RNase added and 4°C stored) to resuspend the pelleted bacteria.
- Transfer to a 1.5mL EP tube.
- Add 250uL buffer P2 and gently mix by inverting the tube 8 times.
- Add 350uL buffer P3 and immediately mix by inverting the tube 8 times.
- Centrifuge the tube for 10 minutes at 12000 rpm.
- Transfer the supernatant to a pre-balanced (by buffer BL) column.
- Centrifuge the column for 60 seconds at 12000 rpm.
- Remove the flow-through and add 600uL buffer PW (alcohol added).
- Centrifuge the column for 60 seconds at 12000 rpm.
- Repeat step 9-10.
- Remove the flow-through and centrifuge for another time.
- Place the column in a 1.5mL EP tube and wait for 2 minutes at RT.
- Add 60uL ddH2O onto the column and centrifuge for 60 seconds at 12000 rpm.
- Measure the concentration of plasmid by Nanodrop.
- Gel extraction
- Remove the gel containing DNA of interest and place it into a 1.5mL EP tube.
- Add 500uL solution SN per 100mg agarose gel and dissolve the gel for 5 minutes at 65°C.
- Add 50uL solution B per 500uL solution SN and mix them up.
- Place the 3S column into the collecting tube and transfer the solution mixture into the column.
- Place the column for 2 minutes at RT and then centrifuge for 1 minute at 10000 rpm.
- Discard the flow-through and add 600uL Wash solution.
- Centrifuge for 1 minute at 10000 rpm.
- Repeat step 6-7.
- Place the column into a new 1.5mL EP tube and add 30uL ddH2O.
- Place the column for 2 minutes at RT and centrifuge for 1 minute at 10000 rpm.
- Measure the concentration of DNA by Nanodrop.
- Chemical transformation
- Add 5uL plasmid into 50uL competent DH5α and place the tube on ice for 30 minutes.
- Heat up the tube for 90 seconds at 42°C.
- Place the tube on ice for 2.5 minutes.
- Add 1mL LB (without antibiotics) on a germ-free bench.
- Recover the bacteria by shaking the tube for 30 minutes at 37°C.
- Centrifuge (if needed) for 3 minutes at 5000 rpm and remove most of the supernatant.
- Resuspend the bacteria and add 100uL suspension onto the plate with antibiotics.
- Culture overnight at 37°C.
Transformation protocol for distribution kit
- Insert a tip into the well containing plasmid of interest.
- Add 10uL ddH2O and dissolve the plasmid for 5 minutes.
- Use 5uL for transformation.
- Electro-transformation
- Produce electroporation-competent cells.
Add 50uL bacteria into 100mL LB and culture at 30°C until its optical density (OD600) reaches 0.05-0.1. Then add 1mM L-arabinose until it reaches 0.6. Place the cells on ice for 1 hour and then wash with overnight-stored cold H2O twice and cold 10% glycerol once. Condense 100 times and dispense 50uL into each tube. Store at -80°C.
- Electro-transform 10-100ng DNA per 50uL cells using Eporator from Eppendorf with 1mm3 electric shock cup (Electric shock is given at 1.8kV for 4-5 seconds).
- Recover the bacteria in 1mL LB at 37°C.
- Plate the bacteria on the plate with antibiotics.
Commonly used system:
KOD buffer: 1uL
dNTP: 1uL
MgSO4: 1uL
Forward primer: 0.2uL
Reverse primer: 0.2uL
KOD plus: 0.2uL
Template: 0.2uL (it depends)
ddH2O: add up to 10uL
Total volume: 10uL
Commonly set up program:
94°C 5 minutes
94°C 30 seconds
60°C (it depends) 30 seconds 30 cycles (it depends)
72°C 30 seconds (it depends)
72°C 7 minutes
12°C ∞
- RNA extraction
- Homogenize the tissue by grinding the tissue in liquid nitrogen with motar and pestle.
- Transfer the mixture into a tube and add TRIzol to stabilize the RNA.
- Incubate the sample for 5 minutes at RT.
- Add chloroform (1:5 volume ratio of chloroform to TRIzol is preferred) to the sample.
- Mix the sample by inverting for 8 times.
- Incubate for 5 minutes at RT.
- Centrifuge at 12000 g for 5 minutes at 2-8°C.
- Transfer the colorless aqueous upper layer to a new tube.
- Add isopropanol (1:2 volume ratio of isopropanol to TRIzol is preferred) to the sample.
- Mix the sample by inverting for 8 times.
- Incubate for 5 minutes at RT.
- Centrifuge at 12000 g for 10 minutes at 4°C.
- Remove supernatant and add 70% ethanol.
- Mix by vortexing shortly.
- Centrifuge at 12000 g for 10 minutes at 4°C.
- Air-dry the pellet for 5 minutes.
- Dissolve the pellet with 50uL DEPC H2O.
- Mix the solution by inverting for several times and heat for 10 minutes at 55°C.
- Measure the concentration of RNA by Nanodrop.
- Reverse transcription PCR
- Template RNA is incubated with primer pairs at 70°C to denature secondary structures.
- Quickly place the mixture on ice.
- dNTP, RNase inhibitors, reverse transcriptase and reaction are then added.
- Incubate the mixture for 1 hour at 42°C.
- Place the mixture at 70°C to inactivate the enzyme.
- Use the newly synthesized DNA as the template for future experiments.
- Enzymatic digestion
Buffer: 1uL
Template: 2uL (it depends)
Restriction enzyme: 0.2-0.5uL
ddH2O: add up to 10uL
Total volume: 10uL
Placed at 37°C for 1 hour
- Ligation
10× T4 ligase buffer (NEB) 1uL
100× BSA 0.1uL
T4 ligase 0.2uL
Linearized backbone 0.1uL (it depends)
Insert 1uL (it depends)
BsaI 0.5uL
ddH2O add up to 10uL
Total volume: 10uL
Notes: The molecular weight ratio of insert to backbone that is used commonly is 3:1.
- Seamless cloning
- Add homologous overlap (usually 15-30 bp) to DNA fragments.
- Purify the DNA fragments and measure its concentration.
- Set up the assembly cloning reaction with the following system:
DNA fragments + linearized vector 0.5-5uL
2× Reagent mix 5uL
ddH2O add up to 10uL
Total volume: 10uL
- Place the reaction mix for 15 minutes at 50°C.
- Use 5uL mix for transformation.
Note: Ratio between inserts and ratio between vector and inserts should be kept at 1:1 and 1:3 respectively.
- Bacterial genome one-step knock-out assay
Adapted from method designed by Wanner.
- Prepare the following plasmids:
Requirement from the host bacteria |
Resistance gene |
Temperature requirement |
pKD46 |
Amp |
30°C |
pKD3/4/13 |
BW25141 |
Amp, Kan or Cm |
pCP20 |
Amp, Cm |
30°C |
- Transform pKD46 (temperature-sensitive, culture at 30°C) and screen on Amp+ plate.
- Extract the plasmid and confirm.
- Amplify the Kanamycin gene to be inserted with primers share homology (usually 39bp for homologous arm and 20bp for matching sequence of Kan) to the genome by PCR.
- Electro-transform the fragment after PCR and screen on Kan+ plate.
- Pick multiple colonies and preserve on Kan+ plate.
- Meanwhile confirm the colonies by colony PCR.
- Culture in LB at 37°C without antibiotics overnight in order to remove pKD46.
- Culture on plate at 30°C without antibiotics.
- Pick colony and screen positively using Kan+ plate.